Source code for CB3.botcore

"""Core low-level module for CodeBot-CB3.

The *botcore* module gives you direct access to all the hardware on the CodeBot CB3.
    * system = `System`
    * leds = `CB_LEDs`
    * exp = `Expansion`
    * spkr = `Speaker`
    * buttons = `Buttons`
    * prox == `Proximity`
    * ls = `LineSensors`
    * enc = `Encoders`
    * motors = `Motors`
    * accel = `KXTJ3`

import time
import board
import digitalio
import analogio
import pwmio
import busio
import microcontroller
import cb3_drivers
import pca9557
from kxtj3 import KXTJ3
from cb3_drivers import runtime_us
from cb3_drivers import cosdac
import cb3pins as pin
from digitalio import DriveMode


[docs]class System: """General system-level functions""" def __init__(self): self.VOLTAGE_RATIO = (59 + 107) / 59 # Voltage divider (production units) self.inp_pwr_is_usb = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin.N_IS_USB) self.inp_pwr_is_usb.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP # High if powered by USB self.batt_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(pin.BATT_SENS) # Init and unlock i2c bus self.i2c = board.I2C() self.flush_i2c() def __str__(self): return "{:.1f}V, {:.1f}F, {}".format(self.pwr_volts(), self.temp_F(), "USB" if self.pwr_is_usb() else "BATT") def flush_i2c(self): self.i2c.try_lock() for i in range(2): try: self.i2c.writeto(0, bytes([0])) except: pass self.i2c.unlock()
[docs] def pwr_is_usb(self): """Are we powered by USB or Battery? (based on Power switch) Returns: int : 0 (Battery) or 1 (USB) """ return int(self.inp_pwr_is_usb.value)
[docs] def pwr_volts(self): """Measure power supply voltage (battery or USB) Returns: float : Power supply voltage """ SAMPLES = 100 adc_counts_total = 0 for i in range(SAMPLES): adc_counts_total += self.batt_adc.value adc_counts = adc_counts_total / SAMPLES voltage = (adc_counts * self.batt_adc.reference_voltage) / ADC_FULL_SCALE return voltage * self.VOLTAGE_RATIO
[docs] def temp_C(self): """Measure the temperature in Celsius Returns: float : degrees C """ SAMPLES = 100 temp_total = 0 for i in range(SAMPLES): temp_total += microcontroller.cpu.temperature return temp_total / SAMPLES
[docs] def temp_F(self): """Measure the temperature in Fahrenheit Returns: float : degrees F """ return self.temp_C() * 9 / 5 + 32
[docs]class Expansion: """Access to the Expansion Port""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def make_pwm(self, pin, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50): """Connect a PWM (pulse width modulation) peripheral to the specified pin. This can be used to control servos, or as a general-purpose oscillating output. Args: pin : The IO pin to use, for example pin.EXP_GPIO0 duty_cycle : duration pin is high during each period, with 65535 being 100%. frequency : periodic oscillation frequency in Hz (cycles per second) Returns: pwmio.PWMOut : The PWMOut object bound to specified pin. """ return pwmio.PWMOut(pin, duty_cycle=duty_cycle, frequency=frequency)
[docs] def release_pwm(self, pwm): """Disconnect the internal PWM peripheral previously bound to a pin. Args: pwm : A PWM peripheral created with make_pwm() """ pwm.deinit()
[docs] def set_servo(self, pwm, position_pct): """Set the position of a servo controlled with a PWM output. The PWM frequency must be 50Hz (default value of make_pwm()). **Note:** Many servos require position_pct value to exceed the ±100 range to reach their mechanical limits. Also an *offset* may be needed to center the servo. Args: pwm : A PWM output created with make_pwm(). position_pct : Desired servo position with "nominal" range -100 to +100. A value of 0 will "center" the servo. """ pwm.duty_cycle = int((1.5 + position_pct / 200) * 65535 / 20) # 1.5ms +/- 0.5ms
[docs]class Speaker: """Control the Speaker""" def __init__(self): # scae 1 = 1/2 output scale # offset 0 = no DC offset # invert 2 = invert bits to make a proper waveform cosdac.configure(1, 0, 2)
[docs] def pitch(self, freq, duty=50): """Play a tone on the speaker, with the specified frequency and duty-cycle. This function uses the ESP32s2's cosine generator with best-fit parameters. Expect some error in the output frequency. Args: freq (int): Frequency in Hertz duty (int): Not used by CodeBot3 """ cosdac.set_pitch(freq)
[docs] def off(self): """Stop output to speaker."""
[docs]class Buttons: """Access to pushbutton switches BTN-0 and BTN-1.""" def __init__(self): self.btn0 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin.BTN_0) self.btn0.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP self.btn1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin.BTN_1) self.btn1.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP cb3_drivers.enable_btn_isr() self.was_pressed() # Discard initial interrupts during setup def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.is_pressed())
[docs] def was_pressed(self, num=None): """Return True if specified button was pressed since last call of this function. Default with num=None, returns tuple of both buttons status since last call. Args: num (int): 0 for BTN-0, 1 for BTN-1 """ if num is None: btn = (cb3_drivers.btn_was_pressed(0), cb3_drivers.btn_was_pressed(1)) return btn elif 0 <= num < 2: return cb3_drivers.btn_was_pressed(num) else: raise ValueError("Button num must be 0, 1, or None")
[docs] def is_pressed(self, num=None): """Return True if specified button is pressed, or tuple of both buttons if num=None. Args: num (int): 0 for BTN-0, 1 for BTN-1 """ if num is None: return (not self.btn0.value, not self.btn1.value) elif num == 0: return not self.btn0.value elif num == 1: return not self.btn1.value else: raise ValueError("Button num must be 0, 1, or None")
class LedDriver: def __init__(self): self.led_usb = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin.USB_LED) self.led_usb.switch_to_output(False, DriveMode.PUSH_PULL) self.led_le = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin.LED_LE) self.led_le.switch_to_output(False, DriveMode.PUSH_PULL) self.led_oe = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin.LED_OE) self.led_oe.switch_to_output(True, DriveMode.PUSH_PULL) # Init with output-enable OFF (high) self.led_spi = busio.SPI(pin.LED_CLK, pin.LED_SDI) self.led_spi.try_lock() self.led_spi.configure(baudrate=10000000, phase=0, polarity=0) # Proximity emitter-drive enables upper 16 bits of LEDs. self.prox_duty = 2**15 # 50% self.prox_pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(pin.PROX_PWM, duty_cycle=self.prox_duty, frequency=56000, variable_frequency=True) # Initialize for use self.write(0) self.enable(True) def enable(self, do_enable): # Assert active-low enable for LEDs self.led_oe.value = not do_enable self.prox_pwm.duty_cycle = self.prox_duty if do_enable else 0 # Write 32-bit value to LED driver shift registers. # 'val' is big-endian bitmask: # P7. P6. P5. P4. P3. P2. P1. P0. # PWR. X_R. X_L. LS4. LS3. LS2. LS1. LS0 # B0. B1. B2. B3. B4. B5. B6. B7. # ER. EL. L2-0. L2-1. L03-0. L03-1. L14-0. L14-1. def write(self, val): bval = val.to_bytes(4, "big") # Convert val to 32-bit big-endian bytes buffer self.led_spi.write(bval) # Latch-in the new data self.led_le.value = 1 self.led_le.value = 0
[docs]class CB_LEDs: """Manage all the LEDs on CodeBot.""" def __init__(self): self.driver = LedDriver() self.bits = 0 def set_val(self, val, ofs, width): if val >= (1 << width): raise ValueError("LED value out of bounds") new_bits = self.bits mask = (1 << width) - 1 new_bits = (new_bits & ~(mask << ofs)) | ((int(val) & mask) << ofs) if new_bits != self.bits: self.bits = new_bits self.driver.write(new_bits) @staticmethod def bools2bits(bool_iter): # Convert collection of bools to a bitmask integer if isinstance(bool_iter, (tuple, list)): bits = 0 for i, b in enumerate(bool_iter): if b: bits |= (1 << i) return bits elif isinstance(bool_iter, int): return bool_iter else: raise TypeError("LED value must be an int, tuple, or list")
[docs] def user(self, b): """Set all User *Byte* LEDs to the given binary integer value or list/tuple of bools. Args: b : *int* value used to set LEDs, from 0 to 255 (2 :superscript:`8`-1) ; or, b : *list* of 8 bools. Example:: leds.user(0) # turn all User LEDs off leds.user(255) # turn all User LEDs on leds.user(0b10101010) # Alternating LEDs leds.user( [True, False, False, True, True, True, True, True] ) """ b = self.bools2bits(b) self.set_val(b, 8, 8)
[docs] def user_num(self, num, val): """Set single User *Byte* LED. Args: num (int): Number of LED *bit*, 0-7. val (bool): Value of LED (``True`` or ``False``) """ if 0 <= num < 8: self.set_val(int(val), num + 8, 1) else: raise ValueError("User LED must be in range 0-7.")
[docs] def ls(self, b): """Set all User *Line Sensor* marker LEDs to the given binary integer value, or list/tuple of bools. Args: b : *int* value used to set LEDs, from 0 to 31 (2 :superscript:`5`-1), or b : *list* of 5 bools. (see `botcore.CB_LEDs.user` for example) """ b = self.bools2bits(b) self.set_val(b, 16, 5)
[docs] def ls_num(self, num, val): """Set single *Line Sensor* marker LED. Args: num (int): Number of LED *bit*, 0-4. val (bool): Value of LED (``True`` or ``False``) """ if 0 <= num < 5: self.set_val(int(val), 16 + num, 1) else: raise ValueError("LS LED must be in range 0-4.")
[docs] def ls_emit(self, ls_num, pwr): """Set *Line Sensor* infrared emitter LED to specified power level. Args: ls_num (int): Number of *Line Sensor* 0-4 pwr (int): Power level 0-2 """ ls_ofs = (2, 0, 4, 2, 0)[ls_num] ls_val = (0, 1, 3)[pwr] self.set_val(ls_val, ls_ofs, 2)
[docs] def pwr(self, is_on): """Set *Power* LED. Args: is_on (bool): Turn ON if ``True`` """ self.set_val(int(is_on), 23, 1)
[docs] def usb(self, is_on): """Set *USB* LED. Args: is_on (bool): Turn ON if ``True`` """ self.driver.led_usb.value = is_on
[docs] def enc_emit(self, b): """Set both *Encoder* emitter LEDs (2-bit value). Args: b (int): Binary value, 0=off, 1=left, 2=right, 3=both """ self.set_val(b, 6, 2)
[docs] def prox(self, b): """Set both Proximity marker LEDs. Args: b : *int* binary value, 0=off, 1=left, 2=right, 3=both ; or, b : *list* of 2 bools. (see `botcore.CB_LEDs.user` for example) """ b = self.bools2bits(b) self.set_val(b, 21, 2)
[docs] def prox_num(self, num, val): """Set single *Proximity* marker LED. Args: num (int): Number of LED *bit*, 0-1. val (bool): Value of LED (``True`` or ``False``) """ if 0 <= num < 2: self.set_val(int(val), 21 + num, 1) else: raise ValueError("Prox LED must be 0 or 1.")
def prox_emit(self, pwr): # Set power level 0-8, yeilding 0-80mA. # WARNING: LED not rated for continuous operation above 40mA (pwr=4) #val = (0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF)[pwr] val = (0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F)[pwr] self.set_val(val, 24, 8)
[docs]class Proximity: """Manage the proximity sensors""" _PROX_MARKER_LEDS = 0x00600000 _PROX_FREQ_MAX = 54_000 # 100% _PROX_FREQ_MIN = 40_000 # 0% # Note: with lower freq at 34kHz (initial setting) # On a 0-100 % scale, barely gets under 40% before dropping to 0. # This is probably due to the response curve of the Vishay sensor flattening out below 40kHz. # Note: with lower freq at 34kHz (recommended setting), # on a 0-100 % scale, barely gets under 40% before dropping to 0. # This is probably due to the response curve of the Vishay sensor flattening out below 40kHz. def __init__(self, leds): self.leds = leds self.prox_l = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin.PROX_L) self.prox_r = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin.PROX_R) self._test_num = 15 # TODO mutable by the code in case we need to experiment # To support common use case of doing a prox-detect for both L&R sensors, we want to # do per-sensor successive approximation (binary search) without repeating emit/detect cycles # unnecessarily, which would waste time. That's why we cache sensor readings while ranging. self._prox_cache = {} def _mask_lights(self): # Turn off the front marker LEDs while making a Prox reading. Return the current mask for re-enabling mask = Proximity._PROX_MARKER_LEDS saved_markers = self.leds.bits & mask self.leds.bits &= ~mask return saved_markers def _restore_lights(self, saved_mask): self.leds.bits |= saved_mask # Make sure the restored value makes it out to the actual hardware... self.leds.driver.write(self.leds.bits) def _prox_detect(self, power, freq): left = right = False self.leds.prox_emit(power) # Note: datasheet says it requires at most 15 cycles for the IR sensor outputs leds.driver.prox_pwm.frequency = freq timeout = self._test_num * 1e6 / freq # us start = runtime_us() while runtime_us() - start < timeout: left = not self.prox_l.value right = not self.prox_r.value if left and right: break # Bail early if both sensors have positive detection # end = runtime_us() # print(f"elapsed={end - start}") self.leds.prox_emit(0) return (left, right) def _flush_prox_cache(self): self._prox_cache.clear() def _cached_prox_detect(self, pwr, freq): if freq in self._prox_cache: # Cache hit! return self._prox_cache[freq] # Cache miss sns = self._prox_detect(pwr, freq) # Store result in cache self._prox_cache[freq] = sns return sns def _prox_sweep(self, sensor, pwr, freq_min, freq_max, n_iter): # Sweep the frequencies from min to max and return the lowest. freq_detect = 0 span = freq_max - freq_min cur_freq = freq_min # Start at lowest freq = least sensitive detection for _ in range(n_iter): cf = int(cur_freq) det = self._cached_prox_detect(pwr, cf) if det[sensor]: freq_detect = cf if cur_freq > freq_min: cur_freq -= span else: break else: if cur_freq < freq_max: cur_freq += span else: break span = span / 2 return freq_detect
[docs] def detect(self, power=1, sens=100): """Return bool (L,R) of detection at given sensitivity level. Args: power (int): Emitter power (1-8). sens (int): Sensor sensitivity (0-100). Percent range from 0=least to 100=most sensitive. Returns: tuple of (L, R) bool detect status. """ return self.range(1, power, sens)
[docs] def range(self, samples=4, power=1, rng_low=0, rng_high=100): """Scan proximity sensors and return 0-100% range for each. This function runs a successive approximation algorithm to find the minimum range at which an object is detected by each sensor independently. Args: samples (int): Number of samples to read. Larger values give more accuracy at the expense of a longer scan time. power (int): Emitter power (0-8). (0=OFF,... 8=MAX) rng_low (int): Lowest sensitivity range (0-100) to scan within. rng_high (int): Highest sensitivity range (0-100) to scan within Returns: tuple of (L, R) int proximity values: 0-100 if object detected, or -1 if not. - If samples=1, returns bool (L, R) values. - **Note:** When samples=1 the **rng_high** value is not used. A single sample is taken at **rng_low**. """ if samples < 1 or samples > 32: raise ValueError("Resolution must be integer range 1-32") if power < 0 or power > 8: raise ValueError("Power must be integer range 0-8") if rng_low > 100 or rng_high > 100 or rng_low > rng_high: raise ValueError("Range requires integer start<=stop<=100") markers = self._mask_lights() frange = (Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MAX - Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MIN) / 100 # Convert percentages to frequencies fmin = int(Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MIN + rng_low * frange) fmax = int(Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MIN + rng_high * frange) self._flush_prox_cache() # Run the sweeps for left and right separately freq_left = self._prox_sweep(0, power, fmin, fmax, samples) freq_right = self._prox_sweep(1, power, fmin, fmax, samples) self._restore_lights(markers) self.leds.prox_emit(0) # Convert frequencies to percentages if freq_left: freq_left = (freq_left-Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MIN)/(Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MAX-Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MIN)*100 else: freq_left = -1 if freq_right: freq_right = (freq_right-Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MIN)/(Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MAX-Proximity._PROX_FREQ_MIN)*100 else: freq_right = -1 # For the case of 1 sample, we return booleans if samples > 1: return (int(freq_left), int(freq_right)) else: return (freq_left > 0, freq_right > 0)
[docs]class LineSensors: """Manage the line sensors.""" def __init__(self, leds): self.leds = leds # Line sensors - reversed order from schematic label vs silkscreen # Reflection = lower ADC value ls0_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(pin.LS0_SENS) ls1_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(pin.LS1_SENS) ls2_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(pin.LS2_SENS) ls3_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(pin.LS3_SENS) ls4_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(pin.LS4_SENS) self.emit_pwr = 2 # valid values are 1 (20mA) and 2 (40mA) self.sensor = (ls0_adc, ls1_adc, ls2_adc, ls3_adc, ls4_adc) self.thresh = 2500 self.reflective_line = True def read_value_and_adjust(self, num): # Deal with hardware differences from CB2 as best we can # 1. 2.6 volt max supported by ESP32-S2 but CircuitPython scales for 3.3 volts # 2. 16-bit ADC reading instead of 12-bit temp = self.sensor[num].value # Theoretical scaling - comes out too high, presumably since it does not account for saturation, etc. # temp *= (3.3 / 2.6) # This is about 1.269ish # This conversion factor was determined empirically, by comparing readings between a CB2 and a CB3 # temp *= 1.21745 # Still a little too high temp *= 1.215 # Close enough! CB2 reporting 4080 CB3 reporting 4086 temp = int(temp) # Keep within the bounds of the physical (16-bit) hardware if temp > 65535: temp = 65535 # Convert to 12-bit format like CB2 has temp >>= 4 return temp
[docs] def check(self, thresh=1000, is_reflective=False): """Fast check of all line sensors against threshold(s). Controls emitter also. Return a **tuple** of values for *all* line sensors. By default these are **bool** values indicating *presence of a line*, based on given parameters. See below for alternate behavior based on parameter types. Args: thresh(int): Threshold value to compare against sensor readings. is_reflective(bool): Set to True if the line being checked is reflective (white), False if not (black). Returns: tuple [5]: Collection of **bool** "line detected" values. - If *thresh=0*, returns raw ADC values (*ints*). - If *is_reflective* is an **int** value it is interpreted as *thresh_upper*, and the function returns -1,0,+1 for readings below/within/above thresholds. """ vals = self.read_all() if thresh: if is_reflective: vals = [vals[i] < thresh for i in range(5)] else: vals = [vals[i] > thresh for i in range(5)] return tuple(vals)
[docs] def calibrate(self, threshold, is_reflective_line): """Set parameters used to detect presence of a line. Args: threshold (int): Threshold of ADC reading, below which *reflection* is detected. 0-4095 (2 :superscript:`12`-1) is_reflective_line (bool): Is the line reflective? """ self.thresh = threshold self.reflective_line = is_reflective_line
[docs] def read(self, num): """Read the raw ADC value of selected *Line Sensor*. Args: num (int): Number of *Line Sensor* to read (0-1) """ self.leds.ls_emit(num, self.emit_pwr) # microcontroller.delay_us(200) val = self.read_value_and_adjust(num) # Convert to match CB2 ADCs. self.leds.ls_emit(num, 0) return val
def read_all(self): self.leds.set_val(0x3F, 0, 6) # all emitters on full power # microcontroller.delay_us(200) vals = [self.read_value_and_adjust(num) for num in range(5)] self.leds.set_val(0, 0, 6) return vals
[docs] def is_line(self, num): """Check for presence of line beneath specified *Line Sensor* using current calibration parameters. Args: num (int): Number of *Line Sensor* to read (0-1) """ detect = < self.thresh return detect if self.reflective_line else not detect
[docs]class Encoders: """Manage the wheel encoders. This class demonstrates simple low-level sensing of encoders via ADC channels. Higher performance implementations are available in separate modules, such as :mod:`timed_encoders`. """ def __init__(self, leds): self.leds = leds enc_l_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(pin.ENC_L_SENS) enc_r_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(pin.ENC_R_SENS) self.sensor = (enc_l_adc, enc_r_adc) self.thresh = 2000
[docs] def read(self, num): """Read given analog encoder value""" self.leds.enc_emit(1 << num) val = self.sensor[num].value >> 4 # Convert 16-bit CircuitPython API to 12-bit to match CB2 ADCs. self.leds.enc_emit(0) return val
[docs] def is_slot(self, num): """Check for slot in given encoder disc""" return > self.thresh
[docs]class Motors: """Manage the *Motors*""" def __init__(self, i2c): self.pca = pca9557.PCA9557(i2c, 0x1C) self.pca.write(pca9557.REG_DIR, 0) # All bits are outputs self.pwm = ( pwmio.PWMOut(pin.ML_PWM, duty_cycle=0, frequency=1000, variable_frequency=False), pwmio.PWMOut(pin.MR_PWM, duty_cycle=0, frequency=1000, variable_frequency=False) ) # Init with 0=Left, 1=Right self.in1 = (pin.MOTOR_L_IN1, pin.MOTOR_R_IN1) self.in2 = (pin.MOTOR_L_IN2, pin.MOTOR_R_IN2) self.enable(False)
[docs] def enable(self, do_enable): """Enable the motors. Args: do_enable (bool): Set ``True`` to allow motors to run. """ self.pca.setbits(pin.MOTOR_STBY, do_enable)
[docs] def run(self, num, pwr): """Set specified *motor* to given *power* level. Args: num (int): Number of motor: 0 (LEFT) or 1 (RIGHT) pwr (int): Power -100% to +100% (neg=CW=reverse, pos=CCW=forward) """ self.pca.setbits(self.in1[num], pwr < 0) self.pca.setbits(self.in2[num], pwr > 0) duty = int(abs(pwr) * 65535 / 100) & 0xFFFF self.pwm[num].duty_cycle = duty
# Instantiate core objects system = System() leds = CB_LEDs() exp = Expansion() spkr = Speaker() buttons = Buttons() prox = Proximity(leds) ls = LineSensors(leds) enc = Encoders(leds) motors = Motors(system.i2c) accel = KXTJ3(system.i2c, 0x0E) # Helpful constants LEFT = 0 RIGHT = 1