Source code for codeair.colors

"""Predefined "standard colors" and helper functions.

   Colors are defined as (RED, GREEN, BLUE) tuples. Feel free to define your own!

# Utility functions for manipulating colors
[docs]def to565(r,g,b): """Convert 888 RGB (24 bits) to 565 (16 bits) Note: The CodeX LCD uses 16-bit colors natively! """ return (r&0xF8,g&0xFC,b&0xF8)
[docs]def color16(color24): """Convert a 24-bit RGB tuple to a 16-bit native LCD color tuple.""" return to565(*color24)
[docs]def rgb_to_int(rgb): """Convert RGB tuple to an integer.""" return (rgb[0]<<16) | (rgb[1]<<8) | (rgb[2])
[docs]def int_to_rgb(h): """Convert integer to RGB tuple""" r = (h>>16) & 255 g = (h>>8) & 255 b = h & 255 return (r,g,b)
[docs]def scale_rgb(val, pcnt=100): """Scale RGB tuple elements by given percentage (bright/dim)""" return tuple(int(i * pcnt / 100) for i in val)
# Color constants 24-bit (R, G, B) BLACK = (0x00,0x00,0x00) #: WHITE = (0xFF,0xFF,0xFF) #: RED = (0xFF,0x00,0x00) #: GREEN = (0x00,0xFF,0x00) #: BLUE = (0x00,0x00,0xFF) #: YELLOW = (0xFF,0xFF,0x00) #: CYAN = (0x00,0xFF,0xFF) #: MAGENTA = (0xFF,0x00,0xFF) #: BROWN = (0x6F,0x4E,0x37) #: PINK = (0xFF,0x14,0x93) #: LIGHT_GRAY = (0xD3,0xD3,0xD3) #: GRAY = (0x60,0x60,0x60) #: ORANGE = (0xFF,0xA5,0x00) #: DARK_GREEN = (0x22,0x8B,0x22) #: DARK_BLUE = (0x00,0x00,0x8B) #: PURPLE = (0x6A,0x0D,0xAD) #: TRANSPARENT = (0xF7,0xFB,0xF7) #: # Color Collections #: COLORS_BY_NAME = { 'BLACK' : BLACK, 'WHITE' : WHITE, 'RED' : RED, 'GREEN' : GREEN, 'BLUE' : BLUE, 'YELLOW' : YELLOW, 'CYAN' : CYAN, 'MAGENTA' : MAGENTA, 'BROWN' : BROWN, 'PINK' : PINK, 'LIGHT_GRAY' : LIGHT_GRAY, 'GRAY' : GRAY, 'ORANGE' : ORANGE, 'DARK_GREEN' : DARK_GREEN, 'DARK_BLUE' : DARK_BLUE, 'PURPLE' : PURPLE, 'TRANSPARENT' : TRANSPARENT, } # List the predefined colors. First 10 are in order of the Resistor Color Code. #: COLOR_LIST = ( BLACK, BROWN, RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, GRAY, WHITE, CYAN, MAGENTA, PINK, LIGHT_GRAY, DARK_GREEN, DARK_BLUE, )