Source code for codeair.flightdb

"""Flight Controller Database Interface

   Access to the parameter and logging systems on CodeAIR's Crazyflie flight controller.

   See also `flight_lib/flight_lib`


import json
import crtp
import time
import struct
import flight_catalog

SYSLINK_RADIO_RAW           = 0x00
SYSLINK_RADIO_RSSI          = 0x04
SYSLINK_RADIO_POWER         = 0x07
SYSLINK_RADIO_P2P           = 0x08
SYSLINK_RADIO_P2P_ACK       = 0x09
SYSLINK_PM_SOURCE             = 0x10
SYSLINK_PM_LED_ON             = 0x17
SYSLINK_PM_LED_OFF            = 0x18
SYSLINK_OW_SCAN         = 0x20
SYSLINK_OW_READ         = 0x22
SYSLINK_OW_WRITE        = 0x23

CRTP_PORT_CONSOLE          = 0x00
CRTP_PORT_PARAM            = 0x02
CRTP_PORT_SETPOINT         = 0x03
CRTP_PORT_MEM              = 0x04
CRTP_PORT_LOG              = 0x05
CRTP_PORT_LINK             = 0x0F

# Log 'type' field
LOG_UINT8  = 1
LOG_UINT16 = 2
LOG_UINT32 = 3
LOG_INT8   = 4
LOG_INT16  = 5
LOG_INT32  = 6
LOG_FP16   = 8

log_type_ops = (
    (1, 'B'),
    (2, 'H'),
    (4, 'I'),
    (1, 'b'),
    (2, 'h'),
    (4, 'i'),
    (4, 'f'),
    (2, 'e'),

#---- Utility functions ----
[docs]def read_crtp(port, channel, timeout_ms=100): """Pump raw rx queue from flight controller, return selected data or None if timeout(ms)""" for _ in range(int(timeout_ms) / 10): pkt = crtp.receive() if pkt: rport, rchan, rdat = pkt if rport == port and rchan == channel: return rdat return None
toc_cache = {} # { crc : {group_dot_name: (item_id, item_type)} } def toc_lookup(toc, crc, group_dot_name): # Lookup from toc_param database, cache for future access dcache = toc_cache.setdefault(crc, {}) param = dcache.get(group_dot_name, None) if not param: group, name = group_dot_name.split('.') for index, ptype, pgroup, pname in toc: if pgroup == group and pname == name: param = (index, ptype) dcache[group_dot_name] = param break if not param: print(f"Error: {group_dot_name} not found.") return None return param
[docs]class LogManager: """Interface to query the CF logging framework: * Retrieve the list of available logging items (TOC) : [(id, type, group, name), ...] * Register new logging configs (log blocks) * Start/Stop logging * Also handle fetching of Param TOC, since logic is identical. This class uses :doc:`crtp` to implement the `log interface <>`_ """ # CRTP channels TOC_CH = 0 CONTROL_CH = 1 LOG_CH = 2 # Logging system commands. CMD_GET_ITEM_V2 = 2 # V1 was 0 CMD_GET_INFO_V2 = 3 # V1 was 1 # CONTROL channel commands respond with data[0]==CONTROL_XX, data[2]==err_code (0=success) CONTROL_STOP_BLOCK = 4 CONTROL_RESET = 5 CONTROL_CREATE_BLOCK_V2 = 6 # V1 was 0 CONTROL_APPEND_BLOCK_V2 = 7 # V1 was 1 CONTROL_START_BLOCK_V2 = 8 # V1 was 3 def __init__(self): self.load_tocs() self.expected_toc_count = 0 self.state = 'IDLE' self.cache = {} # most recent log data {"name": value} self.log_blocks = [] # up to 16 blocks of ([id0, id1,...], decode_fmt_str, val_sz) self.latest_update_ms = 0 self.log_rate = 0.1 def load_tocs(self): self.log_toc = flight_catalog.log_toc self.log_crc = flight_catalog.log_crc self.param_toc = flight_catalog.param_toc self.param_crc = flight_catalog.param_crc def _err(self, msg): print("LOG Error: " + msg) self.state = 'IDLE' def crtp_rx(self, port, chan, data): if port != CRTP_PORT_LOG and port != CRTP_PORT_PARAM: return elif chan == self.TOC_CH: # Table of Contents working_toc = self.log_toc if port == CRTP_PORT_LOG else self.param_toc if self.state == 'WAIT_INFO': if data[0] != self.CMD_GET_INFO_V2: self._err("Unexpected command byte in GET_INFO response") return count, crc = struct.unpack_from("<HI", data, 1) self.expected_toc_count = count # print(f"TOC: got info, count={self.expected_toc_count}, crc=0x{crc:04X}") if self.fetch_toc_info_only: self.toc_info = (count, crc) self.state = 'IDLE' else: if port == CRTP_PORT_LOG: self.log_crc = crc else: self.param_crc = crc # Begin requesting items working_toc.clear() self.get_toc_item(port, 0, True) elif self.state.startswith('WAIT_ITEM'): if len(data) < 6: self._err(f"Item ID not found in TOC, data={data}") return elif data[0] != self.CMD_GET_ITEM_V2: self._err("Unexpected command byte in GET_ITEM response") return item_id = data[2] << 8 | data[1] item_type = data[3] & 0x0F strings = data[4:].split(b'\x00', 2) item_group = strings[0].decode('utf-8') item_name = strings[1].decode('utf-8') if self.state == 'WAIT_ITEM': # print(f"TOC item: {(item_id, item_type, item_group, item_name)}") self.state = 'IDLE' else: working_toc.append( (item_id, item_type, item_group, item_name) ) next_id = len(working_toc) if next_id >= self.expected_toc_count: self.state = 'IDLE' else: self.get_toc_item(port, next_id, True) elif chan == self.CONTROL_CH: if self.state == 'WAIT_CONTROL': # Check if response to our send_ctrl_cmd(), invoke callback if data[0] == self.ctrl_await_cmd: self.state = 'IDLE' if self.ctrl_cb: self.ctrl_cb(data[2]) def pump_rx_queue(self, timeout_ms=100): t_start = time.ticks_ms() while self.state != 'IDLE': pkt = crtp.receive() if pkt: self.crtp_rx(*pkt) else: time.sleep(0.01) if time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), t_start) > timeout_ms: self.state = 'IDLE' return False return True def get_toc_item(self, port, id, get_next=False): self.state = 'WAIT_ITEM_NEXT' if get_next else 'WAIT_ITEM' # print(f"requesting item id={id}") crtp.send(port, self.TOC_CH, bytes([self.CMD_GET_ITEM_V2, id & 0xFF, id >> 8]))
[docs] def fetch_toc(self, port, info_only=False): """Request TOC info, either PARAM or LOG based on port (CRTP_PORT_LOG or CRTP_PORT_PARAM)""" if not (port == CRTP_PORT_LOG or port == CRTP_PORT_PARAM): print("Error: port must be CRTP_PORT_LOG(5) or CRTP_PORT_PARAM(2).") return False self.fetch_toc_info_only = info_only # If True only update self.toc_info = (count, crc) self.state = 'WAIT_INFO' crtp.send(port, self.TOC_CH, bytes([self.CMD_GET_INFO_V2])) if self.pump_rx_queue(30000): # print("TOC fetch complete: %d items" % len(self.log_toc if port == CRTP_PORT_LOG else self.param_toc)) return True else: print("TOC fetch timeout.") return False
[docs] def check_catalog_crcs(self): """Read CRCs from flight controller, return True if they match catalog import""" match = True self.fetch_toc(CRTP_PORT_LOG, True) log_count, log_crc = self.toc_info self.fetch_toc(CRTP_PORT_PARAM, True) param_count, param_crc = self.toc_info if log_count != len(flight_catalog.log_toc) or log_crc != flight_catalog.log_crc: print("Log TOC mismatch.") match = False if param_count != len(flight_catalog.param_toc) or param_crc != flight_catalog.param_crc: print("Param TOC mismatch.") match = False return match
[docs] def generate_catalog(self, filename=''): """Create Python file with log/param TOCs to bake into new CodeAIR builds""" # Note: Using json strings because importing plain toc (list of tuples) causes "pystack exhausted" error. with open(filename, 'w') as fp: print("Fetching log TOC") self.fetch_toc(CRTP_PORT_LOG) print("Fetching param TOC") self.fetch_toc(CRTP_PORT_PARAM) fp.write('"""Generated Python Code: Flight Controller parameter and log info catalog"""\r\nimport json\r\n') fp.write(f"log_crc = 0x{self.log_crc:04X}\r\nlog_toc = '") print("Writing log TOC to file") json.dump(self.log_toc, fp) fp.write(f"'\r\nlog_toc = json.loads(log_toc)\r\n\r\n") fp.write(f"param_crc = 0x{self.param_crc:04X}\r\nparam_toc = '") print("Writing param TOC to file") json.dump(self.param_toc, fp) fp.write(f"'\r\nparam_toc = json.loads(param_toc)\r\n\r\n") print("Wrote catalog file.")
[docs] def register_items(self, item_list, rate=0.1): """Register and start logging the given list of items. Removes all prior logging. Rate is seconds. item_list contains strings of form 'group.variable'. Internals: * The Crazyflie allows up to 16 "log blocks" to be registered. * You register a log block by supplying a list of [TYPE8:ID16] tuples referring to TOC items. * The resulting LOG_CH reports for a block must fit within a 30 byte packet, where 4 bytes are consumed with [BLK_ID_8, TIMESTAMP_24], leaving 26 bytes cumulative payload for log values. This means the max number of IDs you can register in a block depends on the size of the items (8/16/32 bits). * Ex: you could register up to 6 32-bit items in a log block. Our Python API exposes a single function to register an id_list, hiding the underlying "log block" system. * We don't support dynamically appending/deleting discrete blocks. All are created/removed at once. * Currently we don't support different rates for different params. The underlying system has a rate for each block. * Currently supports only a single log block. * TODO: Extend to create up to max (16) blocks to support more log items. Protocol: * CRTP(CRTP_PORT_LOG, CONTROL_CH) * Create block: ( CONTROL_CREATE_BLOCK_V2_8, BLK_ID_8, [TYPE_8, ID_16]*n ) * Delete all: (CONTROL_RESET) Notes: Successful registration will initialize - .. code-block:: python self.cache # {'name': None,...} # Dict keyed by names from all blocks self.log_blocks = [ [name0, name1,...], # list of names in this block decode_fmt_str, # struct format str for decoding this log block val_sz, # = struct.calcsize(decode_fmt_str) reg_fields, # registration fields (packet payload) ] Returns: bool: True if id_list can be registered, False if it would exceed logging payload limits or if list contains an invalid ID. """ # Remove old log blocks self.unregister_all() MAX_BLOCK_PAYLOAD = 26 self.log_rate = rate self.log_blocks = [] cur_block_reg = [] # registration fields ([TYPE_8, ID_16]*n) cur_block_id = 0 cur_block_val_sz = 0 cur_block_names = [] cur_block_fmt = '<' for name in item_list: item = toc_lookup(self.log_toc, self.log_crc, name) if item: item_id, item_type = item else: return False # Found item. Add to cache and register log_block. self.cache[name] = None val_sz, val_fmt = log_type_ops[item_type - 1] if cur_block_val_sz + val_sz > MAX_BLOCK_PAYLOAD: # Advance to next block, or error if overflow. # TODO: Append cur_block_* to list of block registrations, through up to 16 blocks. print(f"Error: Exceeded max cumulative log variable size.") return False cur_block_names.append(name) cur_block_val_sz += val_sz cur_block_fmt += val_fmt cur_block_reg.extend((item_type, item_id & 0xFF, item_id >> 8)) # Append last (or only) block self.log_blocks.append( (cur_block_names, cur_block_fmt, cur_block_val_sz, cur_block_reg) ) # Register block(s) for index, b in enumerate(self.log_blocks): names, fmt, sz, reg = b if False: print(f"Create Log Block {index}:") print(f" names={names}") reg_record = ' '.join([f'{b:02X}' for b in reg]) print(f" reg=[{reg_record}]") print(f" fmt({sz})={fmt}") # TODO: Initiate state machine to send CRTP packets, awaiting each response # For initial single-block case just send and pray! crtp.send(CRTP_PORT_LOG, self.CONTROL_CH, bytes([self.CONTROL_CREATE_BLOCK_V2, index] + reg)) return True
[docs] def enable(self, do_enable): """Resume / pause logging. NOTE: Must register_items() FIRST, before enable! """ rate_ms = int(self.log_rate * 1000) #TODO: iterate over self.log_blocks. Just one block for now index = 0 # def cmd_ack(err): # print(f"Command ack'd with: {err}") cmd_ack = None if do_enable: self.send_ctrl_cmd(self.CONTROL_START_BLOCK_V2, [index, rate_ms & 0xFF, rate_ms >> 8], cmd_ack) else: self.send_ctrl_cmd(self.CONTROL_STOP_BLOCK, [index], cmd_ack)
[docs] def unregister_all(self): """Delete all registered log blocks""" self.send_ctrl_cmd(self.CONTROL_RESET, [])
[docs] def send_ctrl_cmd(self, cmd, data, callback=None): """Send control channel command, and callback(err_code) upon ACK. Zero means no error.""" self.ctrl_cb = callback self.ctrl_await_cmd = cmd self.state = 'WAIT_CONTROL' crtp.send(CRTP_PORT_LOG, self.CONTROL_CH, bytes([cmd] + data)) self.pump_rx_queue()
[docs] def decode_log(self, blk_id, timestamp_ms, data): """Decode received log values for this block, updating self.cache. """ if blk_id >= len(self.log_blocks): print(f"Error: decoded blk_id={blk_id} out of range!") return # Get list of item ids, and struct format string for this block block_items, block_fmt, val_sz, _ = self.log_blocks[blk_id] if len(data) != val_sz: print(f"Error: block {blk_id} wrong data length (val_sz={val_sz}, data={len(data)}).") self.latest_update_ms = timestamp_ms vals = struct.unpack(block_fmt, data) for index, name in enumerate(block_items): self.cache[name] = vals[index]
# print(f"decode_log @{self.latest_update_ms}ms : {self.cache}") # DEBUG def fetch_log_data(self, timeout_ms=100): # Ingest log data from crtp queue, decode, and deposit in self.cache for _ in range(int(timeout_ms) / 10): log_dat = crtp.log_read() if log_dat: self.decode_log(*log_dat) break else: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs]class ParamManager: """Interface to query the CF parameter framework. Unlike logging, we don't register for events in the param system. """ # Ordered type format mapping types = ('b', 'h', 'i', 'q', 'x', 'e', 'f', 'd', 'B', 'H', 'L', 'Q') # Type mapping for set_by_name() types_by_name = { 'U8' : (0x08, 'B'), 'U16' : (0x09, 'H'), 'U32' : (0x0a, 'L'), 'U64' : (0x0b, 'Q'), 'I8' : (0x00, 'b'), 'I16' : (0x01, 'h'), 'I32' : (0x02, 'i'), 'I64' : (0x03, 'q'), 'F16' : (0x05, 'e'), 'F32' : (0x06, 'f'), 'F64' : (0x07, 'd'), } def __init__(self, log_mgr): self.log_mgr = log_mgr # for the param_toc, param_crc self.cache = {} # group_dot_name: (id, type)
[docs] def set(self, group_dot_name, value): """Set parameter based on dotted name, ex: 'motorPowerSet.enable'""" param = toc_lookup(self.log_mgr.param_toc, self.log_mgr.param_crc, group_dot_name) if not param: return found_id, found_type = param data = struct.pack("<H%c" % self.types[found_type], found_id, value) crtp.send(CRTP_PORT_PARAM, 2, data)
[docs] def get(self, group_dot_name): """Read parameter. Returns data or None.""" param = toc_lookup(self.log_mgr.param_toc, self.log_mgr.param_crc, group_dot_name) if not param: return None found_id, found_type = param # Read param data = struct.pack("<H", found_id) crtp.flush() crtp.send(CRTP_PORT_PARAM, 1, data) # Get response rdat = read_crtp(CRTP_PORT_PARAM, 1) if not rdat: print("Error: timeout reading param") return None # Note: See CF:paramReadProcess(CRTPPacket *p) for packet format detail (differs from docs) vals = struct.unpack_from("<HB%c" % self.types[found_type], rdat) if vals[0] != found_id: print(f"Error: unexpected param id ({vals[0]})") return None return vals[2]
[docs] def set_by_name(self, group_dot_name, type_id, value): """Set param without using TOC lookup (lookup on STM32 instead)""" # EX: set_param('motorPowerSet.enable', 'U8', 1) # name_array = bytes(group_dot_name.replace('.', '\0') + '\0', 'utf-8') len_name = len(name_array) type_code, type_fmt = self.types_by_name[type_id] data = struct.pack(f'<B{len_name}sB{type_fmt}', 0, name_array, type_code, value) crtp.send(CRTP_PORT_PARAM, 3, data)