Source code for codeair.infrared

"""CodeAIR infrared transmitter/receiver

# This is based in the CodeX file of the same name, but here the pins
# were different, plus on a CodeAIR we can't control the power to the
# IR parts.

import pulseio
import board
import array

[docs]class Infrared: """ """ IR_TX_PIN = board.IR_EMIT IR_RX_PIN = board.IR_RCV def __init__(self, max_payload=16): """Create an Infrared (IR) send/receive driver. Args: max_payload (int): Maximum number of rx bytes "in-flight" or queued. """ self.msg_queue = [] # Data transmitted over IR is encoded as a series of timed ON/OFF pulses of the # 38kHz infrared "carrier". Our IR sensor (Vishay VSOP38338) has an AGC # feature to suppress noise, so we are limited to short data bursts (about 4 bytes). # Longer sequences will be perceived as noise and suppressed by the receiver! # Note that max_payload is used for receive, so it should be larger than the max tx buffer # if you want to queue multiple rx packets between calls to receive(). # We describe pulses as high-low time ratio pairs (HL). For example "14" means # 1 interval high and 4 intervals low, where an interval might be 500uS. The PulseIn # class buffers a series of H,L microsecond values which we convert to a string "HLHL..." # representation prior to decoding. See below for how we encode HL pulse-width ratios into # binary byte-streams. # Calculate PulseIn maxlen based on maximum payload bytes needed. # Preamble(1414) + Epilogue (13) needs 6, plus each byte needs 18 (Prefix + 16) pulse_buf_max = 6 + (max_payload * 18) self._sender = pulseio.PulseOut(Infrared.IR_TX_PIN, frequency=38000, duty_cycle=32768) self._reader = pulseio.PulseIn(Infrared.IR_RX_PIN, maxlen=pulse_buf_max) self.max_payload = max_payload # Int to ascii for our small range for "HL" values. Way faster than str(). self._itoa = {1:'1', 2:'2', 3:'3', 4:'4'} # Symbols are defined as HL multiples of TPULSE self.TPULSE = 500 # pulse unit interval (microseconds) self.PREAMBLE = self._pulse_vals((1, 4, 1, 4)) self.EPILOGUE = self._pulse_vals((1, 3)) self.BYTE_PREFIX = self._pulse_vals((2, 1)) self.ONE = self._pulse_vals((1, 2)) self.ZERO = self._pulse_vals((1, 1)) def _pulse_vals(self, pulse_ratios): # Convert pulse ratios to TPULSE values return tuple(map(lambda x: x * self.TPULSE, pulse_ratios)) def _normalize(self, val): # Convert received pulse values to TPULSE units return round(val / self.TPULSE) def _send(self, data): # Transmit message # print("sending: ", data) pulses = [] pulses += self.PREAMBLE for b in data: bits = ord(b) pulses += self.BYTE_PREFIX number_of_bits = 8 mask = 1 << number_of_bits while number_of_bits > 0: mask >>= 1 if bits & mask: pulses += self.ONE else: pulses += self.ZERO number_of_bits -= 1 pulses += self.EPILOGUE pulses += self.EPILOGUE output_pulses = array.array('H', pulses) self._sender.send(output_pulses) def _decode_msg(self, msg): # Bytes prefixed with 21. ex: msg="211112111211121112" 0x55 toks = [msg[i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(msg),2)] message = '' byte_val = None try: for t in toks: if t == '21': if byte_val != None: message += chr(byte_val) byte_val = 0 elif t == '11': byte_val = (byte_val << 1) elif t == '12': byte_val = (byte_val << 1) + 1 else: return '' # Error message += chr(byte_val) except: return '' # Error return message def _extract_messages(self, s): # Split out message payloads, bracketed by 1414___13 result = [] start = 0 while True: # Find preamble start_idx = s.find('1414', start) if start_idx == -1: break # Find epilogue end_idx = s.find('13', start_idx + 4) if end_idx == -1: break # Extract the substring and add it to the result list result.append(s[start_idx + 4:end_idx]) # Update the start index for the next search start = end_idx + 2 return result def _receive(self): # Decode PulseIn buffer and append messages to queue if not len(self._reader) > 23: return self._reader.pause() vals = [self._normalize(self._reader[i]) for i in range(len(self._reader))] # print("RX: ", [self._reader[i] for i in range(len(self._reader))]) self._reader.clear() self._reader.resume() tok = self._itoa.get valstr = ''.join([tok(v, 'e') for v in vals]) # Ex: "14142112111211131" msgs = self._extract_messages(valstr) decoded = [self._decode_msg(m) for m in msgs] self.msg_queue.extend(decoded)
[docs] def receive_queue(self): """Get the queue of messages received by the IR receiver Returns: list : a `list` of `string` messages received (may be empty). Index 0 is oldest. """ self._receive() ret = self.msg_queue self.msg_queue = [] return ret
[docs] def receive(self): """Get the last `string` (if any) received by the IR receiver Returns: str : the text received or `None` if nothing has been received """ self._receive() if self.msg_queue: return self.msg_queue.pop(0) else: return None
[docs] def send(self, message): """Send a message string over infrared. Size limit in a single message is max_payload defined in __init__() above, but due to AGC we recommend limiting to **max 4 characters** per message string. Args: message (str) : the string to send """ if len(message) > self.max_payload: raise ValueError('Message is limited to %d characters' % self.max_payload) self._send(message)
[docs] def flush(self): """Clear and discard the receive buffer, without decoding it. Can be used after 'send()' to avoid receiving "loopback" data. """ self._reader.pause() self._reader.clear() self._reader.resume()