Source code for codeair.xfly

"""CodeAIR factory test and remote flight interface.

   This program allows a CodeX to be paired with the CodeAIR for remote controlled flight and telemetry.
   Pairing is done via close-range infrared (IR), while remote flight is via radio link.
import radio
from codeair import *
from flight import *
from time import sleep
import time
import infrared
import json
import os
import microcontroller
import selftest

PAIRING_SAVE_FILENAME = 'pairing.json'

ir = infrared.Infrared()
rf_chan = 0
rf_id = 0

[docs]def radio_send(op, args=()): """Transmit a CodeAIR packet (ch, id, op, args) to paired CodeAIR""" msg = json.dumps((rf_chan, rf_id, op, args)) radio.send(msg)
[docs]def radio_poll(timeout=0.1): """Wait up to timeout secs to receive a CodeAIR packet. Return (ch, id, op, args) or None""" timeout *= 1000 t_start = time.ticks_ms() while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), t_start) < timeout: msg = radio.receive() if msg: # print("RX: ", msg) try: rch, rnid, op, args = json.loads(msg) except: continue if rch == rf_chan and rnid == rf_id: return (op, args) else: sleep(0.01) return None
blue_brightness = 50 i_led = 0 dir_led = +1
[docs]def cycle_blue(): """Call periodically to cycle blue LEDs in KITT pattern""" global i_led, dir_led leds.set(i_led, 0) i_led = i_led + dir_led if i_led == 0 or i_led == 7: dir_led *= -1 leds.set(i_led, blue_brightness)
[docs]def save_pairing(ch, nid): """Save pairing info to local file.""" rec = (ch, nid) try: with open(PAIRING_SAVE_FILENAME, 'wb') as fp: json.dump(rec, fp) except: print("Unable to save pairing.")
[docs]def get_saved_pairing(): """Return (ch, nid) or None if no save file found.""" try: with open(PAIRING_SAVE_FILENAME) as fp: ch, nid = json.load(fp) return (ch, nid) except: print("No pairing found.") return None
def forget_pairing(): try: os.remove(PAIRING_SAVE_FILENAME) except: pass os.sync() time.sleep(0.2) microcontroller.reset()
[docs]def seek_pairing(): """Wait to receive IR pairing message over infrared. Return paired (ch, nid). """ while True: cycle_blue() buf = ir.receive() if buf: # print("rx(%d)" % len(buf), buf) if buf[0] == 'P' and len(buf) == 3: ch = ord(buf[1]) nid = ord(buf[2]) # print("tx: %d:%d" % (ch, nid)) ir.send('X' + buf[1] + buf[2]) ir.flush() speaker.beep(440, 100) elif buf == "ACK": # print("got ACK!") break sleep(0.05) leds.set_mask(0xFF, 0) speaker.beep(1000, 100) for _ in range(3): pixels.fill(GREEN) sleep(0.1) sleep(0.05) return (ch, nid)
# Controller info bitfields CF_INFO_CAN_ARM = 0x01 CF_INFO_IS_ARMED = 0x02 CF_INFO_AUTO_ARM = 0x04 CF_INFO_CAN_FLY = 0x08 CF_INFO_FLYING = 0x10 CF_INFO_TUMBLED = 0x20 CF_INFO_LOCKED = 0x40 CF_INFO_CRASHED = 0x80
[docs]class FlightControl: """Manage flying commands from remote paired CodeX""" # States IDLE = 0 CAL1 = 1 CAL2 = 2 TAKINGOFF = 3 FLYING = 4 LANDING = 5 statenames = ("IDLE", "CAL1", "CAL2", "TAKINGOFF", "FLYING", "LANDING", ) def __init__(self): self.TAKEOFF_CEILING = 0.3 # m (initial height) self.TOO_CLOSE = 0.3 # m (for collision avoidance) self.HEIGHT_CEILING = 3.0 # m (max height allowed) self.BATT_MIN = 3.2 # V (lower and we land automatically) self.WARN_FREQ = 880 # Warning tone pre-takeoff self.CAL_DELAY = 2000 # ms self.LANDED_ALT_MM = 25 # mm height considered "landed" self.ZDIFF_ADJ = 0.2 # m : attempt to correct height if measured vs predicted Z exceeds this. # Telemetry self.rng_front = 0 self.rng_up = 0 self.rng_down = 0 self.heading = 0 self.batt = 0 self.cf_info = 0 self.debug_lvl = 1 # 0-5 => none -> verbose # Tracking poll rate (windowed average) self.last_poll_ms = 0 self.poll_win = [0] * 10 self.poll_sum = 0 self.poll_rate = 1.0 # Init long, don't fly till we see fast (~100ms) polling self.z_calc = 0.0 # calculated height self.t_cal = 0 self.setpoint_override = None self.takeoff_sound = 0 self.set_state(self.IDLE) def set_state(self, new_state): self.state = new_state leds.set_mask(1 << self.state, blue_brightness) if self.debug_lvl: debug = "state=%s, poll_rate=%1.2f" % (self.statenames[self.state], self.poll_rate) radio_send("prt", (debug,)) print("%9d : state=%d, poll_rate=%1.2f" % (time.ticks_ms(), self.state, self.poll_rate))
[docs] def takeoff(self): """Ascend autonomously to self.TAKEOFF_CEILING""" if self.state != self.IDLE or \ self.rng_down > 50 or \ self.poll_rate > 0.3 or \ not (self.cf_info & CF_INFO_CAN_FLY) or \ self.batt < self.BATT_MIN: return # Can't take off! # Reset position estimator set_param('kalman.resetEstimation', 1) self.t_cal = time.ticks_ms() self.z_calc = 0.0 # Autonomous ascent to self.TAKEOFF_CEILING self.setpoint_override = (0, +0.2, 0) self.set_state(self.CAL1) # Begin warning tones self.takeoff_sound = 0 self.cycle_takeoff_sound() # Flying colors! Right=GREEN, Left=RED, Rear=WHITE pixels.set((GREEN, GREEN, RED, RED, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE))
[docs] def land(self): """Descend gracefully to ground""" if not self.state == self.FLYING: return self.landing_sound = 10 speaker.beep(300 * self.landing_sound * 100, 0) # Descend to ground self.setpoint_override = (0, -0.2, 0) self.set_state(self.LANDING)
def cycle_takeoff_sound(self): self.takeoff_sound = (self.takeoff_sound + 1) % 5 if self.takeoff_sound < 3: speaker.beep(self.WARN_FREQ, 0) else:
[docs] def update_setpoint(self, x_vel, z_vel, yaw): """Handle new OTA setpoint received from radio controller""" if self.state == self.CAL1: ms = time.ticks_ms() if time.ticks_diff(ms, self.t_cal) > 100: set_param('kalman.resetEstimation', 0) self.set_state(self.CAL2) self.t_cal = ms self.cycle_takeoff_sound() return elif self.state == self.CAL2: ms = time.ticks_ms() self.cycle_takeoff_sound() if time.ticks_diff(ms, self.t_cal) > self.CAL_DELAY: self.set_state(self.TAKINGOFF) self.t_cal = ms return elif self.state == self.LANDING: if self.landing_sound: self.landing_sound -= 1 if self.landing_sound == 0: else: speaker.beep(300 + self.landing_sound * 100, 0) if self.rng_down < self.LANDED_ALT_MM: self.stop() return elif self.state == self.IDLE: return if self.setpoint_override: x_vel, z_vel, yaw = self.setpoint_override # Collision avoidance if self.rng_up < (self.TOO_CLOSE * 1000): z_vel = min(z_vel, 0) # restrict to down movement radio_send("prt", ("up limit!",)) if self.rng_front < (self.TOO_CLOSE * 1000): x_vel = min(x_vel, 0) # restrict to backward movement radio_send("prt", ("front limit!",)) if self.rng_down < (self.TOO_CLOSE * 1000): z_vel = max(z_vel, -0.2) # up or slowly descending radio_send("prt", ("down limit!",)) # Calculate zdistance zdistance = self.calc_target_height(z_vel) # Enforce a ceiling if zdistance > self.HEIGHT_CEILING: zdistance = self.HEIGHT_CEILING radio_send("prt", ("enforcing max z!",)) if self.state == self.TAKINGOFF: zdistance = min(zdistance, self.TAKEOFF_CEILING) ms = time.ticks_ms() if time.ticks_diff(ms, self.t_cal) > 2000: # 2 sec should get us to initial height self.setpoint_override = None self.set_state(self.FLYING) # Make it fly! cf_commander.send_hover_setpoint(x_vel, 0, yaw, zdistance) if self.debug_lvl > 4: debug = "hover(v=%1.1f, yr=%1.1f, zabs=%1.3f) zvel=%1.2f, zrng=%3.1f" % (x_vel, yaw, zdistance, z_vel, self.rng_down) radio_send("prt", (debug,))
[docs] def calc_target_height(self, z_vel): """Return the target height at given z_vel considering poll rate""" self.z_calc += z_vel * self.poll_rate # Test: detect flying over objects z_meas = self.rng_down / 1000 z_diff = z_meas - self.z_calc if z_vel == 0 and abs(z_diff) > self.ZDIFF_ADJ: # Attempt to correct height estimate self.z_calc = z_meas if self.debug_lvl > 1: radio_send("prt", ("z_diff=%2.3f" % z_diff ,)) return self.z_calc
[docs] def stop(self): """Called after landing, or to catastrophically Abort flight""" # Stop using low level setpoints and hand responsibility over to the high level commander to # avoid time out when no setpoints are received any more cf_commander.send_stop_setpoint() cf_commander.send_notify_setpoint_stop() self.setpoint_override = None self.set_state(self.IDLE)
[docs] def abort(self): """Stop immediately, plummet to the ground! Also, recover from 'CRASHED' state.""" radio_send("prt", ("**ABORT!",)) self.stop() if self.cf_info & CF_INFO_CRASHED: # If we're in crashed state, ABORT command will reboot the STM32 reset_controller() sleep(0.1) microcontroller.reset() # The big hammer. Should be able to recover without this :-/
[docs] def track_poll_rate(self): """Call each time we're polled, maintains accurate poll rate""" # Maintaining a windowed average of the poll rate over the last len(self.poll_win) polls. # Possibly overkill, since we could just hardcode the rate. ms = time.ticks_ms() dt = time.ticks_diff(ms, self.last_poll_ms) self.last_poll_ms = ms old = self.poll_win.pop() self.poll_win.insert(0, dt) self.poll_sum += dt - old self.poll_rate = (self.poll_sum / len(self.poll_win)) / 1000 # seconds
def check_low_batt(self): if self.batt < self.BATT_MIN:
[docs] def update_dat(self, front, up, down, heading, thrust, info, batt): """Called from radio controller poll loop. Should be called at 100ms rate.""" self.track_poll_rate() self.rng_front = front self.rng_up = up self.rng_down = down self.heading = heading self.cf_info = info self.batt = batt self.check_low_batt()
# Basic telemetry data report is "d1" # d1 => (front, up, down, heading, thrust, info, batt) -- bat from ESP32 side # Logging: rangers(2+2+2)+yaw(4)+thrust(4)+info(2) = 16 bytes (26 byte limit) D1_GROUP = ('range.front', 'range.up', 'range.zrange', 'stateEstimate.yaw', 'stabilizer.thrust', '')
[docs]def enter_ctrl_mode(): """Control loop - receive and execute remote commands""" global rv print("Ctrl mode: ch=%d, nid=%d" % (rf_chan, rf_id)) radio.config(channel=rf_chan) # Loop taking commands via radio! while True: ret = radio_poll() if ret: op, args = ret if op == "ver": ver = version() radio_send(op, (ver,)) elif op == "d1": # Primary flight telemetry data dat = get_data(D1_GROUP) + (power.battery_voltage(1), ) fcon.update_dat(*dat) if args: x_vel, z_vel, yaw = args fcon.update_setpoint(x_vel / 100, z_vel / 100, yaw) # Convert cm/s to m/s radio_send(op, dat) elif op == "d2": # Diagnostics for self-test, etc. dat = get_data(FLOW) # (dX, dY) radio_send(op, dat) elif op == "led": i_led, color = args n_led = i_led * 2 pixels.set(n_led, color) pixels.set(n_led + 1, color) elif op == "fly": do_fly = args[0] if do_fly: fcon.takeoff() else: elif op == "abt": fcon.abort() elif op == "py": try: rv = None exec(args[0], locals(), globals()) # explicit locals/globals reqd for frozen if fcon.debug_lvl: print(f"exec({args[0]}) => {rv}") if not rv is None: radio_send(op, (rv,)) except Exception as err: print("Error executing py command: ", err) if buttons.was_pressed(BTN_0): leds.set_mask(0xFF, 0) sleep(0.1) buttons.was_pressed() for count in range(20): leds.set_mask(0x80, 70) sleep(0.1) leds.set_mask(0xFF, 0) sleep(0.1) if buttons.was_pressed(BTN_1): forget_pairing()
[docs]def run(): """Main program""" global fcon, rf_chan, rf_id print("--- Flight Controller ---") fcon = FlightControl() # Check flight controller (STM32) firmware version selftest.check_firmware() # Allow remote CodeX to pair sync = get_saved_pairing() if not sync: sync = seek_pairing() save_pairing(*sync) # Use paired controller for flying! rf_chan, rf_id = sync enter_ctrl_mode()
if __name__ == '__main__': run()