"""Core low-level module for CodeX
The *codex* module gives you direct access to all the hardware on the CodeX.
* power = `Power`
* buttons = `Buttons`
* leds = `LEDs`
* pixels = `NEOPixels`
* display = `canvas.Canvas`
* audio = `codec.Codec`
* accel = `LIS2DH` or `KXTJ3`
* light = `AmbientLight`
* exp = `Expansion`
* tft = `tft.TFT`
# Circuitpython modules
import board
import digitalio
import neopixel
import analogio
import pwmio
import time
# Firia modules
from codex_drivers import hw_rev
if hasattr(hw_rev, '__module__'):
hw_rev = lambda : 'C' # Patch for autodoc
if hw_rev() < 'C':
from lis2dh import LIS2DH as Accelerometer
from kxtj3 import KXTJ3 as Accelerometer
import ltr303als01 # ambient light
import ioexpander # LEDs and buttons
import codec # audio
from codex_drivers import io_exp_inp_state # Fast button states captured from ISR
from codex_drivers import pwm_preserve
import tft
import gallery as pics
from colors import *
# Buttons (up,right,down,left,A,B)
BTN_U = 0 #: UP
BTN_R = 1 #: RIGHT
BTN_D = 2 #: DOWN
BTN_L = 3 #: LEFT
BTN_A = 4 #: A
BTN_B = 5 #: B
# LEDs (A,B)
LED_A = 5 #: LED A
LED_B = 4 #: LED B
[docs]class Power:
"""Access to the CodeX power control and power monitoring."""
VBATT_SENS = board.IO2
IBATT_SENS = board.IO1
# V/I sensor parameters
MA_PER_VOLT = 100 # Factor based on current shunt + amp
VOLTAGE_RATIO = (59 + 107) / 59
def __init__(self, io_expander):
self._io_expander = io_expander
self._periph_vcc = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.IO37)
self._periph_vcc.pull = None
# Analog pins for voltage and currentt
self._voltage_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(Power.VBATT_SENS)
self._current_adc = analogio.AnalogIn(Power.IBATT_SENS)
[docs] def get_battery_voltage(self):
"""Measure the power supply voltage (battery or USB).
float : Power supply voltage
org = self.is_batt_meas_enable()
adc_counts_total = 0
while count > 0:
adc_counts = self._voltage_adc.value
adc_counts_total += adc_counts
count -= 1
adc_counts = adc_counts_total / Power.ADC_SAMPLES_TO_AVERAGE
voltage = (adc_counts * self._voltage_adc.reference_voltage) / \
return voltage * Power.VOLTAGE_RATIO
[docs] def get_battery_current(self):
"""Measure the power supply current consumption (battery or USB).
float : Current consumption in milliamps
org = self.is_batt_meas_enable()
adc_counts_total = 0
while count > 0:
adc_counts = self._current_adc.value
adc_counts_total += adc_counts
count -= 1
adc_counts = adc_counts_total / Power.ADC_SAMPLES_TO_AVERAGE
voltage = (adc_counts * self._current_adc.reference_voltage) / \
# Per the schematic
current_in_ma = voltage * Power.MA_PER_VOLT
return current_in_ma
[docs] def is_usb(self):
"""Are we powered by USB or Battery?
bool : True (USB) or False (Battery)
if hw_rev() < 'C':
org = self.is_batt_meas_enable()
ret = self._io_expander.get_input(0)
ret = not self._io_expander.get_input(0)
return ret
[docs] def is_batt_meas_enable(self):
"""Is the battery measurement ability enabled?
bool : True if the measurement ability is enabled
return bool(self._io_expander.get_outputs() & 2)
[docs] def enable_batt_meas(self, do_enable):
"""Enable the battery measurement ability.
do_enable: True to enable measurement or False to disable
bits = self._io_expander.get_outputs()
bits = (bits | 2) if do_enable else (bits & ~2)
[docs] def is_periph_vcc_enable(self):
"""Is the power enabled for peripheral devices?
bool : True if power is enabled for peripheral devices
return self._periph_vcc.value
[docs] def enable_periph_vcc(self, do_enable, guarded=True):
"""Enable power (+5V) for peripheral devices.
do_enable : True to enable power for peripheral devices
guarded : Protect CPU power from dipping due to peripheral surges.
if guarded:
# The 3.3V regulator can override our pullup and shut down peripheral power if needed
self._periph_vcc.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP if do_enable else None)
[docs]class LEDs:
"""Access to the six LEDs on the CodeX."""
def __init__(self, io_expander):
self._io_expander = io_expander
[docs] def get(self, num=None):
"""Get the current states of an LED or all LEDs if None is specified.
bool : value of given LED num, OR
tuple : six bools -- one for each LED
bits = self._io_expander.get_outputs()
bits >>= 2
if num is None:
ret = tuple(bool(bits & (1 << i)) for i in range(6))
elif type(num) == int and 0 <= num <= 5:
ret = bool(bits & (1 << num))
raise ValueError('LED number must be 0-5')
return ret
[docs] def set(self, num, value=None):
"""Set the state of a single LED
num (int) : led number (0-5)
value (bool) : True (on) or False (off)
if value is None and isinstance(num, int):
for i in range(6):
self.set(i, num & (1 << i))
elif value is None and (isinstance(num, list) or isinstance(num, tuple)):
if len(num) == 4 or len(num) == 6:
for i in range(len(num)):
self.set(i, num[i])
raise ValueError('You must set all LED values at once.')
elif isinstance(num, int):
if num < 0 and num > 5:
raise ValueError("LED num must have a value between 0 and 5.")
bits = self._io_expander.get_outputs()
num += 2 # LEDs start at bit 2
if value:
bits |= (1 << num)
bits &= ~(1 << num)
raise ValueError('Incorrect type supplied to set()')
[docs]class NEOPixels:
"""Access to the four CodeX neopixels."""
def __init__(self):
self._strip = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.IO33, 4, pixel_order='GRB')
[docs] def set(self, num, value=WHITE, brightness=DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS):
"""Set the RGB state of the Codex Neopixels.
num (int/list/tuple) : Pixel number (0,1,2,3, or a list of 4 values to set all pixels)
value (tuple): A tuple of three values for RGB like (10,88,102)
brightness (int): Value between 0 - 100 to scale the brightness of the RGBs
if isinstance(num, list) or isinstance(num, tuple):
if len(num) != 4:
raise ValueError('Must provide exactly 4 pixels')
for i in range(4):
self.set(i, num[i], brightness)
elif isinstance(num, int):
if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
rgb = scale_rgb(value, brightness)
self._strip[num] = rgb
raise TypeError('Invalid color value - must be tuple or list')
raise TypeError('pixel num must be int, list, or tuple')
[docs] def off(self):
"""Turn off all Neopixels."""
self._strip.fill((0, 0, 0))
[docs] def fill(self, value, brightness=DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS):
"""Set all NeoPixels to a single color.
value (tuple): A tuple of three values for RGB like (10,88,102)
if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
rgb = scale_rgb(value, brightness)
raise TypeError('Invalid color value - must be tuple or list')
[docs] def get(self, num=None):
"""Get current RGB value of Codex NeoPixels. This will be the value after brightness was applied.
num (int/None): A number from 0 - 3 will return a single value, None will return tuple of all 4 values.
value (tuple/tuple of 4 tuples)
if num is None:
return tuple([self._strip[0], self._strip[1], self._strip[2], self._strip[3]])
elif num >= 0 and num < 4:
return self._strip[num]
raise ValueError('num must be an int from 0-4 or None')
[docs]class AmbientLight:
"""Access to the CodeX ambient light sensor.
This device has two light sensors. One reads only infrared light. The other
reads infrared light and visibile light at the same time.
def __init__(self, i2c, power):
self._sns = ltr303als01.LTR303ALS01(i2c)
self._power = power
self._active = True
self._cur_gain = None
self.set_gain(100) # Set max gain
def _get_chip_id(self):
return self._sns.chip_detected
[docs] def read_channels(self):
"""Read both light sensor ADC values. Value depends on current gain setting.
tuple(int) : The values from both sensors as (ir, ir+visible)
ret = self._sns.read_channels()
return ret
[docs] def read_ir(self):
"""Read the IR light level ADC value. Value depends on current gain setting.
int : ir light
return self.read_channels()[0]
[docs] def read(self):
"""Read the infrared plus visible light level ADC value. Value depends on current gain setting.
int : visible + infrared
ret = self._sns.read_channels()
return ret[1] # Visible + IR (Ch0 is just IR)
[docs] def read_lux(self, max_lux=500):
"""Read the infrared plus visible light level in LUX.
max_lux (float) : Maximum range of LUX to measure.
float : lux value
ret = self._sns.read_channels()
return ret[1] / self.gain_factor
[docs] def set_gain(self, max_lux):
"""Set the gain (sensitivity) of the sensor.
max_lux (float) : Maximum range of LUX to measure.
gain = ltr303als01.ALS_GAIN_96X
self.gain_factor = 96
if max_lux > 32768:
gain = ltr303als01.ALS_GAIN_1X
self.gain_factor = 1
elif max_lux > 16384:
gain = ltr303als01.ALS_GAIN_2X
self.gain_factor = 2
elif max_lux > 8192:
gain = ltr303als01.ALS_GAIN_4X
self.gain_factor = 4
elif max_lux > 1365:
gain = ltr303als01.ALS_GAIN_8X
self.gain_factor = 8
elif max_lux > 600:
gain = ltr303als01.ALS_GAIN_48X
self.gain_factor = 48
if gain != self._cur_gain:
self._cur_gain = gain
time.sleep(0.5) # Await gain change
[docs]class Expansion:
"""Access to Expansion connectors and Peripheral ports.
This class provides functions for basic usage of the available expansion pins.
For advanced users, feel free to use CircuitPython hardware interface libraries like
`digitalio`, `analogio`, `pwmio`, and `busio` directly with these GPIO pins as well.
# Expansion Connectors
GPIO0 = board.IO15 #:
GPIO1 = board.IO16 #:
GPIO2 = board.IO42 #:
GPIO3 = board.IO40 #:
GPIO4 = board.IO39 #: Expansion Connectors
# Peripheral Connectors
PORT0 = board.IO13 #:
PORT1 = board.IO14 #:
PORT2 = board.IO10 #:
PORT3 = board.IO11 #: Peripheral Connectors
# NOTE: Expansion functions will only work with the above pins.
def __init__(self):
self._cache = {
Expansion.GPIO0: None,
Expansion.GPIO1: None,
Expansion.GPIO2: None,
Expansion.GPIO3: None,
Expansion.GPIO4: None,
Expansion.PORT0: None,
Expansion.PORT1: None,
Expansion.PORT2: None,
Expansion.PORT3: None,
[docs] def analog_in(self, port):
"""Connect a analog input peripheral to the specified port.
You can use this method to set up input devices like potentiometers,
analog temperature sensors, and light sensors.
The peripheral will use a 16-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
Accessing the :py:attr:`~analogio.AnalogIn.value` attribute of the returned object
returns the latest reading as an integer.
Analog readings are in the range of 0-65535 (inclusive),
where 0 is a reading of 0 mV and 65535 is a reading of approximately 3300 mV.
.. note::
Analog devices saturate the CodeX's Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
at 2.5V, half of the 5V output on the Peripheral connector ports.
If full analog range is desired, remember to connect your CodeX Peripheral Divider!
port (microcontroller.Pin): Expansion port to configure.
analogio.AnalogIn : A peripheral object representing the analog input.
# Is port allowed, and is it being used already?
if port not in self._cache:
raise ValueError("Port not allowed")
cached = self._cache[port]
if isinstance(cached, analogio.AnalogIn):
return cached
if cached is not None:
# Sensors need +5V power
ret = analogio.AnalogIn(port)
self._cache[port] = ret
return self._cache[port]
[docs] def digital_in(self, port, pull=None):
"""Connect a digital input peripheral to the specified port.
You can use this method to set up digital input devices like buttons and switches.
Accessing the :py:attr:`~digitalio.DigitalInOut.value` attribute of the returned object
returns the latest reading as a bool, where True is high and False is low.
Note that for most switches and buttons, the pressed state will return False.
port (microcontroller.Pin): Expansion port to configure.
pull (bool): Default output value when not being used.
digitalio.DigitalInOut : A peripheral object representing the digital input.
# Is pin allowed, and is it being used already?
if port not in self._cache:
raise ValueError("Port not allowed")
cached = self._cache[port]
if isinstance(cached, digitalio.DigitalInOut):
if cached.direction is digitalio.direction.INPUT:
return cached
return cached
if cached is not None:
# Sensors need +5V power
ret = digitalio.DigitalInOut(port)
self._cache[port] = ret
return self._cache[port]
[docs] def digital_out(self, port, value=False):
"""Connect a digital output peripheral to the specified port.
You can use this method to set up digital output devices like LEDs without brightness control.
Setting the :py:attr:`~digitalio.DigitalInOut.value` attribute of the returned object
sets the port's output level, where True is high and False is low.
port (microcontroller.Pin): Expansion port to configure.
value (bool): Initial output value.
digitalio.DigitalInOut : A peripheral object representing the digital output.
# Is pin allowed, and is it being used already?
if port not in self._cache:
raise ValueError("Port not allowed")
cached = self._cache[port]
if isinstance(cached, digitalio.DigitalInOut):
if cached.direction is digitalio.direction.OUTPUT:
return cached
return cached
if cached is not None:
# Sensors need +5V power
ret = digitalio.DigitalInOut(port)
self._cache[port] = ret
return self._cache[port]
[docs] def pwm_out(self, port, duty_cycle=0, frequency=500):
"""Connect a PWM (pulse width modulation) peripheral to the specified pin.
You can use this method to set up devices that want a (simulated) analog output,
like an LED you control the brightness of.
The peripheral will use a 16-bit PWM signal.
Setting the :py:attr:`~pwmio.PWMOut.duty_cycle` attribute of the returned object changes the fraction
of each pulse that is high, from no time at 0 to fully on at 65535.
Setting the :py:attr:`~pwmio.PWMOut.frequency` attribute of the returned object changes the length of
each pulse in Hertz.
port (microcontroller.Pin): Expansion port to configure.
duty_cycle (int): Initial PWM duty cycle.
frequency (int): Initial frequency.
pwmio.PWMOut : A peripheral object representing the PWM output.
# Is port allowed, and is it being used already?
if port not in self._cache:
raise ValueError("Port not allowed")
cached = self._cache[port]
if isinstance(cached, pwmio.PWMOut):
return cached
if cached is not None:
# Sensors need +5V power
ret = pwmio.PWMOut(port, duty_cycle=duty_cycle, frequency=frequency, variable_frequency=True)
self._cache[port] = ret
return self._cache[port]
[docs] def deinit(self, port):
"""Releases peripheral port for other use.
port (microcontroller.Pin): Port to release
if port not in self._cache:
raise ValueError("Port not allowed")
except AttributeError:
# If pin is None, failing to deinit is fine
self._cache[port] = None
[docs] def servo_pwm(self, pin, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50):
"""Connect a PWM (pulse width modulation) peripheral to the specified pin.
This can be used to control servos, or as a general-purpose oscillating output.
pin (microcontroller.Pin): The IO pin to use, for example exp.PORT1
duty_cycle (int): duration pin is high during each period, with 65535 being 100%.
frequency (int): periodic oscillation frequency in Hz (cycles per second)
pwmio.PWMOut : The PWMOut object bound to specified pin.
return pwmio.PWMOut(pin, duty_cycle=duty_cycle, frequency=frequency)
def make_pwm(self, pin, duty_cycle=0, frequency=50):
return self.servo_pwm(pin, duty_cycle, frequency)
[docs] def release_pwm(self, pwm):
"""Disconnect the internal PWM peripheral previously bound to a pin.
pwm (pwmio.PWMOut): A PWM peripheral created with make_pwm()
[docs] def set_servo(self, pwm, position_pct):
"""Set the position of a servo controlled with a PWM output.
The PWM frequency must be 50Hz (default value of make_pwm()).
**Note:** Many servos require position_pct value to exceed the ±100 range to reach
their mechanical limits. Also an *offset* may be needed to center the servo.
pwm (pwmio.PWMOut): A PWM output created with make_pwm().
position_pct (float): Desired servo position with "nominal" range -100 to +100. A value of 0 will "center" the servo.
pwm.duty_cycle = int((1.5 + position_pct / 200) * 65535 / 20) # 1.5ms +/- 0.5ms
# Misc hardware access
_io_expander = ioexpander.IOExpander()
# CodeX subsystems
power = Power(_io_expander)
buttons = Buttons(_io_expander)
leds = LEDs(_io_expander)
pixels = NEOPixels()
audio = codec.Codec(_io_expander, power)
accel = Accelerometer(_io_expander.i2c)
light = AmbientLight(_io_expander.i2c, power)
exp = Expansion()
backlight = pwmio.PWMOut(board.IO6, duty_cycle=0, frequency=1000)
pwm_preserve(backlight) # maintain backlight operation after prog end.
tft = tft.TFT(transparent_color=0, backlight_pwm=backlight)
display = tft.display
console = tft.console