Source code for lis2dh

"""LIS2HH Driver - i2c Accelerometer

import time

# Device registers
LIS_TEMP_L = 0x0c   # Temperature sensor
LIS_TEMP_H = 0x0d
LIS_DEV_ID = 0x0f  # hardcoded WHO_AM_I ID
LIS_CTRL_REG0 = 0x1e
LIS_TMP_CFG = 0x1f
LIS_CTRL_REG1 = 0x20
LIS_CTRL_REG2 = 0x21
LIS_CTRL_REG3 = 0x22
LIS_CTRL_REG4 = 0x23
LIS_CTRL_REG5 = 0x24
LIS_CTRL_REG6 = 0x25
LIS_OUT_REG_MULTI = 0x28  # 3 axes XYZ, each 16bit 2's complement
LIS_IG1_CFG = 0x30  # Interrupt Generator 1
LIS_IG1_SRC = 0x31
LIS_IG2_CFG = 0x34  # Interrupt Generator 2
LIS_IG2_SRC = 0x35


# Default values
LIS_DEF_CTRL0 = 0b10010000  # Disable SA0 pullup
LIS_DEF_CTRL1 = 0b0111_0_111  # ODR=400Hz, High-Rez mode, XYZ axes enabled
LIS_DEF_CTRL2 = 0b10000111  # High pass filter bypassed to FIFO, configured 8Hz cutoff for IRQ
LIS_DEF_CTRL3 = 0b00000000  # No IRQ pin
LIS_DEF_CTRL4 = 0b1_0_00_1_00_0  # Block data update, Little-endian, 2g full-scale, 12-bit
LIS_DEF_CTRL5 = 0b00000000  # FIFO disabled, non-latching IRQ
LIS_DEF_CTRL6 = 0b00000010  # INT2 disabled, Interrupt polarity active low
LIS_DEF_FIFO_CTRL = 0b10000000  # Stream mode, Watermark = 0

[docs]class LIS2DH: """Device driver for LIS2DH accelerometer, controlled via i2c bus.""" # Note: default addr assumes SA0 tied high or floating def __init__(self, i2c, addr=0x19): self.i2c = i2c self.i2c.unlock() self.addr = addr self.orientation = (0, 0, 0) self.buf1 = bytearray(1) # Pre-allocate command/resp buffer usable from IRQ self.buf2 = bytearray(2) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Init registers to default config""" self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG1, LIS_DEF_CTRL1) self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG2, LIS_DEF_CTRL2) self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG3, LIS_DEF_CTRL3) self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG4, LIS_DEF_CTRL4) self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG5, LIS_DEF_CTRL5) self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG6, LIS_DEF_CTRL6)
[docs] def set_byte(self, reg, val): """Set byte register""" self.buf2[0] = reg self.buf2[1] = val self.i2c.try_lock() self.i2c.writeto(self.addr, self.buf2) self.i2c.unlock()
def get_byte(self, reg): self.buf1[0] = reg self.i2c.try_lock() self.i2c.writeto(self.addr, self.buf1) self.i2c.readfrom_into(self.addr, self.buf1) self.i2c.unlock() return self.buf1[0]
[docs] def verify_id(self): """Verify device ID - return True if correct""" return self.get_byte(LIS_DEV_ID) == LIS_VFY_DEV_ID
def poll_x(self): stat = 0 count = 10000 while (stat & 0b00001000) == 0 and count: stat = self.get_byte(LIS_STATUS_REG) count -= 1 if count: xl = self.get_byte(0x28) xh = self.get_byte(0x29) print(hex(xl), hex(xh), 'x=', self.signed12((xl, xh)), 'count=', count) else: print("timeout")
[docs] def wait_xyz_ready(self): """Poll status register and return True when READY, False if timeout""" stat = 0 count = 1000 while (stat & 0b00001000) == 0 and count: stat = self.get_byte(LIS_STATUS_REG) count -= 1 return bool(count)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_exceeds(a, b, delta): """Test each iterable value: a[0..n] - b[0..n] > delta""" for i, j in zip(a, b): if abs(i - j) < delta: return False return True
[docs] def self_test(self): """Run self-test and return device to default state. Return True if passed""" result = False normal = # print("normal=", normal) self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG4, 0b1_0_00_1_10_0) # Induce positive force time.sleep(0.200) pos_test = # print("pos=", pos_test) if self.test_exceeds(normal, pos_test, 1000): self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG4, 0b1_0_00_1_01_0) # Induce negative force time.sleep(0.200) neg_test = # print("neg=", neg_test) if self.test_exceeds(neg_test, normal, 1000): result = True self.set_byte(LIS_CTRL_REG4, LIS_DEF_CTRL4) # Back to normal return result
@staticmethod def signed12(buf): val = ((buf[1] << 4) | (buf[0] >> 4)) & 0x0fff # Little endian 12-bit left-justified return (val & 0xf800) - (val & 0x07ff) # Convert to 2's complement signed integer @staticmethod def signed16(buf): val = (buf[1] << 8) | buf[0] # Little endian 16-bit 2's complement value return (val & 0x8000) - (val & 0x7fff) # Convert to signed integer
[docs] def read(self): """Read current XYZ axis values and update orientation""" # Auto address increment isn't working on lis2dh12 as it did on lis2hh12. For now, do byte-at-a-time. if self.wait_xyz_ready(): xl = self.get_byte(0x28) xh = self.get_byte(0x29) x = self.signed16((xl, xh)) yl = self.get_byte(0x2a) yh = self.get_byte(0x2b) y = self.signed16((yl, yh)) zl = self.get_byte(0x2c) zh = self.get_byte(0x2d) z = self.signed16((zl, zh)) # Change accelerometer coords to match (x,y,z) on PCB silkscreen self.orientation = (y, x, z) else: print("timeout") return self.orientation
[docs] def dump_axes(self): """Debug - send axis values to stdout""" print("X={}, Y={}, Z={}".format(*