Source code for metered_motors

"""Module *metered_motors*

Contains the `MeteredMotors` class which adds encoder feedback to the
original :py:class:`botcore.Motors` class. This is a building block towards being able
to tell how fast you are going, or how far you have gone.

import botcore
#import devbotcore as botcore
from pyb import Timer, Pin, disable_irq, enable_irq

[docs]class MeteredMotors: """A wrapper class for the existing Motor class that adds support for making use of the two optical encoders too. Notice that it mimics the API of the :py:class:`botcore.Motors` class, and then extends it. """
[docs] def left_encoder_handler(self, timer_is_unused): """Interrupt handler for the left encoder wheel. You don't call this.""" self.tick[botcore.LEFT] += self.dir[botcore.LEFT]
[docs] def right_encoder_handler(self, timer_is_unused): """Interrupt handler for the right encoder wheel. You don't call this.""" self.tick[botcore.RIGHT] += self.dir[botcore.RIGHT]
# You may be wondering why this class needs access to the LEDs # The reason is that motor movement is detected using an optical # system, and we have to "turn on the lights" (turn on the emitter LEDs) def __init__(self, motors, leds): self.motors = motors self.leds = leds self.enc_mask = 0x00 self.tick = [0,0] # Design decision: I am keeping track of motor direction, and counting # ticks UP or DOWN as appropriate (I was thinking of back-and-forth motion) self.dir = [0,0] # For future compatibility/swapout with TimedEncoders, we mimic it's hardware setup # Encoders capture Timer5 counts. Run at 1MHz, with max ARR value this function seems to handle. tim5 = Timer(5, prescaler=79, period=0x3FFFFFFF) # Set up to capture optical pulses from the left encoder enc_l_pin = Pin(Pin.cpu.A1, Pin.IN, af=Pin.AF2_TIM5) enc_l_ch =, mode=Timer.IC, pin=enc_l_pin, polarity=Timer.RISING) enc_l_ch.callback(self.left_encoder_handler) # Set up to capture optical pulses from the right encoder enc_r_pin = Pin(Pin.cpu.A2, Pin.IN, af=Pin.AF2_TIM5) enc_r_ch =, mode=Timer.IC, pin=enc_r_pin, polarity=Timer.RISING) enc_r_ch.callback(self.right_encoder_handler) enable_irq(True)
[docs] def enable(self, do_enable): """Enabling the motors allows them to move, disabling them stops them from spinning. Args: do_enable (bool): true to enable, false to disable """ self.motors.enable(do_enable)
[docs] def run(self, num, pwr): """Run the specified motor at the specified power. Args: num (int): which motor (0 = LEFT, 1 = RIGHT) pwr (int): power level as a percentage, -100 to 0 to +100 Power levels are negative for reverse (clockwise) motion. Power levels are positive for forward (counter-clockwise) motion. A power level of 0 means stop. """ if pwr != 0: self.enc_mask |= (1 << num) else: self.enc_mask &= ~(1 << num) if pwr > 0: self.dir[num] = 1 elif pwr < 0: self.dir[num] = -1 else: self.dir[num] = 0 self.leds.enc_emit(self.enc_mask), pwr)
# # Above routines were in Motor class too. Below are the extensions. #
[docs] def get_ticks(self): """Get the current tick counts as a (left, right) tuple. Does not reset the tick counters. """ irq_state = disable_irq() ticks = (self.tick[botcore.LEFT], self.tick[botcore.RIGHT]) enable_irq(irq_state) return ticks
[docs] def get_and_reset_ticks(self): """Get the current tick counts as a (left, right) tuple, and restart the counters.""" irq_state = disable_irq() ticks = (self.tick[botcore.LEFT], self.tick[botcore.RIGHT]) self.tick = [0,0] enable_irq(irq_state) #print(ticks) return ticks