Source code for timed_encoders

"""Wheel encoder driver, using Timer Input Capture

Manage the wheel encoders using 'Input Capture' for microsecond level measurement.

    TODO: Add to this module or separate module calculations of floating-point fractional-tick values:

        current velocity (ticks/s)
        distance traveled over specified interval (ticks)
        current acceleration (ticks/s/s)


import botcore
import pyb
import time
import array
import stm
#import micropython

[docs]class CaptureEncoder: """Input-capture based handler for single encoder. Maintains circular buffer of 32-bit samples.""" def __init__(self, tmr_channel, max_samples): = tmr_channel self.max_samples = max_samples self.samples = array.array('L', range(max_samples)) # Fast array of 32-bit unsigned ints self.i_next = 0 self.tick_count = 0 def cb(self, tmr): self.samples[self.i_next] = self.i_next = (self.i_next + 1) % self.max_samples self.tick_count += 1
[docs]class TimedEncoders: """Manage the wheel encoders using 'Input Capture' for microsecond level measurement. - Call 'snapshot()' then grab 'data(n)' to get historical (ticks,timestamps) for an encoder. - The 'max_samples' value just needs to be large enough to accommodate the longest interval over which you'll want to calculate distance. For example, if you're updating a PID control every 100ms you'd ideally want enough samples to cover that interval. At that rate, 20 samples covers a full revolution (100ms) at theoretical top-speed of 10rev/s. - The 'ticks' value is an ever-increasing integer. Starting at zero, I'm pretty sure it won't rollover for the life of the motors. (a 32 bit integer would cover 532,380 miles) Implementation details: * Buffers last 'max_samples' timestamps of each wheel encoder. (circular buffer) * Running 'tick_count' for each encoder. * Index 'i_next' locates tail (oldest entry) of circular buffer. Notes: * There are min(tick_count, max_samples) of valid data in buffers. (Don't just assume you have 'max_samples' valid data in buffer!) """ def __init__(self, max_samples=20): self.max_samples = max_samples # Snapshot data self.samples = (0,0) self.ticks = () self.i_next = () # Encoders capture Timer5 counts. Run at 1MHz, with max ARR value this function seems to handle. tim5 = pyb.Timer(5, prescaler=79, period=0x3FFFFFFF) # TODO: Use stm module to set ARR directly to max count #stm.mem32[stm.TIM5 + stm.TIM_ARR] = 0xffffffff enc_l_pin = pyb.Pin(pyb.Pin.cpu.A1, pyb.Pin.IN, af=pyb.Pin.AF2_TIM5) enc_l_ch =, mode=pyb.Timer.IC, pin=enc_l_pin, polarity=pyb.Timer.RISING) self.enc_l = CaptureEncoder(enc_l_ch, max_samples) enc_r_pin = pyb.Pin(pyb.Pin.cpu.A2, pyb.Pin.IN, af=pyb.Pin.AF2_TIM5) enc_r_ch =, mode=pyb.Timer.IC, pin=enc_r_pin, polarity=pyb.Timer.RISING) self.enc_r = CaptureEncoder(enc_r_ch, max_samples) # Enable digital filtering for input capture channels. On the fringes of encoder slots there # can be noise on the signal. Worse if encoder disc isn't fully seated, causing marginal signal. stm.mem32[stm.TIM5 + stm.TIM_CCMR1] |= 0x0000F000 # IC2F (CH2 filter) stm.mem32[stm.TIM5 + stm.TIM_CCMR2] |= 0x000000F0 # IC3F (CH3 filter) #@micropython.native
[docs] def snapshot(self): """Copy sample buffers from encoders, so we can work with them outside interrupt context""" q = pyb.disable_irq() self.samples = (self.enc_l.samples[:], self.enc_r.samples[:]) self.ticks = (self.enc_l.tick_count, self.enc_r.tick_count) self.i_next = (self.enc_l.i_next, self.enc_r.i_next) pyb.enable_irq(q)
[docs] def data(self, n): """Get encoder data lists: oldest to newest. Requires a `snapshot` prior to calling. Returns two equal length lists: tick counts and timestamps of each sample captured respectively. Args: n (int): Which encoder (0=LEFT, 1=RIGHT) Returns: tuple (ticks, samples) containing latest snapshot data lists for given encoder. """ # Requires snapshot() data if not self.samples[n]: return None samp = self.samples[n] ticks = self.ticks[n] i_next = self.i_next[n] if ticks > self.max_samples else 0 hist = [] for i in range(min(ticks, self.max_samples)): hist.append(samp[i_next]) i_next = (i_next + 1) % self.max_samples return (ticks, hist)
[docs] def t_diff(self, sample_new, sample_old): """Calculate time difference (uS) between samples, accounting for rollover.""" diff = sample_new - sample_old return diff if diff >= 0 else (0x3FFFFFFF + diff)
[docs] def t_cur(self): """Get the current microsecond count""" return self.tim5.counter()
[docs] def dump(self): """Take a snapshot and print both encoder data-capture records to the console.""" self.snapshot() (ticks, samples) = print("LEFT: ticks={}, samples={}".format(ticks, samples)) (ticks, samples) = print("RIGHT: ticks={}, samples={}".format(ticks, samples))
[docs] def dump_raw(self): """Print raw encoder data-capture values without taking a snapshot.""" print("LEFT: ticks={}".format(self.enc_l.tick_count)) print(" Samples: {}".format(self.enc_l.samples)) print("RIGHT: ticks={}".format(self.enc_r.tick_count)) print(" Samples: {}".format(self.enc_r.samples))
if __name__ == '__main__': # Test Encoders botcore.leds.enc_emit(0x03) te = TimedEncoders() while True: if botcore.buttons.is_pressed(0): break if botcore.buttons.is_pressed(1): te.dump() time.sleep(0.1)