"""CodeAIR Selftest Functions"""
from codeair import *
from flight import *
from time import sleep
import os
import time
import stm_fw
import espcamera
from colors import *
# Show status on pixel LEDs during firmware update
i_pix = 0
wr_blk = 0
pix_color = YELLOW
t_change = 0
[docs]def fw_progress(st):
"""Optimizing LED writes yeilds significant speedup"""
global i_pix, pix_color, wr_blk, t_change
if st == stm32_boot.ST_EXT_ERASE:
wr_blk = 0 # A single ERASE command is followed by st=0 every 1sec.
pix_color = PURPLE
elif st == stm32_boot.ST_WR_MEM:
pix_color = MAGENTA
wr_blk = (wr_blk + 1) % 4 # Every 4th block (256 bytes) ping LEDs (otherwise too fast!)
if wr_blk == 0:
elif st == 0xF0:
pix_color = BLUE # decompressing
elif st == 0:
# Comes every 1s when flash writer is waiting on ack, but also using this for ST_xx events above.
# - Using ticks to pace this, since neopixel writes are sloooow.
ms = time.ticks_ms()
if time.ticks_diff(ms, t_change) > 500:
t_change = ms
i_pix = (i_pix + 1) % 4
n_led = i_pix * 2
pixels.set(n_led, pix_color)
pixels.set(n_led + 1, pix_color)
[docs]def check_firmware():
"""Compare flight controller firmware to our current latest version, update if needed"""
for _ in range(3):
ver = version()
if ver != 'timeout':
ver = ver.split()[-1]
if ver != stm_fw.version() and not 'dev' in ver:
print(f"Updating firmware from '{ver}' to v{stm_fw.version()}")
pixels._strip.auto_write = False
stat = load_fw(prog=fw_progress)
pixels._strip.auto_write = True
if stat:
# Yaay!
speaker.beep(440, 100)
speaker.beep(880, 200)
# Boooo.
speaker.beep(440, 100)
speaker.beep(220, 500)
[docs]def check_fcon_sensors(reset_buf=False):
"""Harvest STM32 power-on selftest results"""
tests = (
('U12 Flow Sensor', 'Motion chip id: 0x49:0xB6'),
('U3 IMU Gyro I2C', 'BMI088 Gyro connection [OK]'),
('U3 IMU Gyro test', 'BMI088 gyro self-test [OK]'),
('U3 IMU Accel test', 'BMI088 Accel connection [OK]'),
('U4 Pressure', 'BMP390 I2C connection [OK]'),
('Ranger FWD', 'Init front sensor [OK]'),
('U8 ranger UP', 'Init up sensor [OK]'),
('U9 ranger DOWN', 'Init down sensor [OK]'),
('Self Test', 'Self test passed!'),
('Ready to Fly', 'Ready to fly'),
# Retrieve console buffer
buf = crtp.console_read() + crtp.console_read()
if len(buf) < 1000 or reset_buf:
# Reboot STM32, and allow time for complete bootup sequence (typical 4sec)
buf = crtp.console_read() + crtp.console_read()
# Check for errors
errbuf = ''
for msg, rpt in tests:
ok = rpt in buf
if not ok:
errbuf += msg + '\n'
return errbuf
[docs]def check_camera_init():
"""Is at least I2C responding?"""
return camera is not None
[docs]def check_camera_viz(threshold=128):
"""Return ratio of grayscale pixels above given 8-bit threshold"""
if not camera:
return 0
bitmap = camera.take()
white_pixel_count = 0
total_pixels = bitmap.width * bitmap.height
for x in range(bitmap.width):
for y in range(bitmap.height):
pixel_value = bitmap[x, y] # Access the pixel value in the Bitmap
if pixel_value >= threshold:
white_pixel_count += 1
white_ratio = white_pixel_count / total_pixels
return white_ratio
[docs]def record(failures):
"""Record test results to flash file 'mfgtest.txt'
The 'failures' param is a string with comma-separated failed test name(s).
with open('mfgtest.txt', 'a') as fp:
fp.write('\n--- Manufacturing Test Complete ---\n\n')
if not failures:
fp.write('All tests PASS')
fp.write('Failed tests: %s\n--------\n' % failures)
[docs]def check_sd():
"""Return True if SD card works, False if not"""
if not sdcard.mount():
return False
message = 'Your SD card works perfectly!'
stat = False
with open('/sd/mfgtest.txt', 'w') as fp:
with open('/sd/mfgtest.txt') as fp:
buf = fp.read()
stat = (buf == message)
return stat