Source code for high_level_commander

# This file is part of CodeAIR, and includes portions of code derived from the
# Crazyflie Python client library.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Bitcraze AB
# Modifications Copyright (c) 2024 Firia, Inc.
#  Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter Client
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
Used for sending high level setpoints to the Crazyflie
import struct

from cflib.crtpstack import CRTPPort
# from cflib.crtp.crtpstack import CRTPPacket
# from cflib.crtp.crtpstack import CRTPPort

# __author__ = 'Bitcraze AB'
# __all__ = ['HighLevelCommander']

[docs]class HighLevelCommander(): """ Used for sending high level setpoints to the Crazyflie """ COMMAND_SET_GROUP_MASK = 0 COMMAND_STOP = 3 COMMAND_GO_TO = 4 COMMAND_START_TRAJECTORY = 5 COMMAND_DEFINE_TRAJECTORY = 6 COMMAND_TAKEOFF_2 = 7 COMMAND_LAND_2 = 8 ALL_GROUPS = 0 TRAJECTORY_LOCATION_MEM = 1 TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D = 0 TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D_COMPRESSED = 1 def __init__(self, crazyflie=None): """ Initialize the object. """ self._cf = crazyflie
[docs] def set_group_mask(self, group_mask=ALL_GROUPS): """ Set the group mask that the Crazyflie belongs to :param group_mask: Mask for which groups this CF belongs to """ self._send_packet(struct.pack('<BB', self.COMMAND_SET_GROUP_MASK, group_mask))
[docs] def takeoff(self, absolute_height_m, duration_s, group_mask=ALL_GROUPS, yaw=0.0): """ vertical takeoff from current x-y position to given height :param absolute_height_m: Absolute (m) :param duration_s: Time it should take until target height is reached (s) :param group_mask: Mask for which CFs this should apply to :param yaw: Yaw (rad). Use current yaw if set to None. """ target_yaw = yaw useCurrentYaw = False if yaw is None: target_yaw = 0.0 useCurrentYaw = True self._send_packet(struct.pack('<BBff?f', self.COMMAND_TAKEOFF_2, group_mask, absolute_height_m, target_yaw, useCurrentYaw, duration_s))
[docs] def land(self, absolute_height_m, duration_s, group_mask=ALL_GROUPS, yaw=0.0): """ vertical land from current x-y position to given height :param absolute_height_m: Absolute (m) :param duration_s: Time it should take until target height is reached (s) :param group_mask: Mask for which CFs this should apply to :param yaw: Yaw (rad). Use current yaw if set to None. """ target_yaw = yaw useCurrentYaw = False if yaw is None: target_yaw = 0.0 useCurrentYaw = True self._send_packet(struct.pack('<BBff?f', self.COMMAND_LAND_2, group_mask, absolute_height_m, target_yaw, useCurrentYaw, duration_s))
[docs] def stop(self, group_mask=ALL_GROUPS): """ stops the current trajectory (turns off the motors) :param group_mask: Mask for which CFs this should apply to :return: """ self._send_packet(struct.pack('<BB', self.COMMAND_STOP, group_mask))
[docs] def go_to(self, x, y, z, yaw, duration_s, relative=False, group_mask=ALL_GROUPS): """ Go to an absolute or relative position :param x: X (m) :param y: Y (m) :param z: Z (m) :param yaw: Yaw (radians) :param duration_s: Time it should take to reach the position (s) :param relative: True if x, y, z is relative to the current position :param group_mask: Mask for which CFs this should apply to """ self._send_packet(struct.pack('<BBBfffff', self.COMMAND_GO_TO, group_mask, relative, x, y, z, yaw, duration_s))
[docs] def start_trajectory(self, trajectory_id, time_scale=1.0, relative=False, reversed=False, group_mask=ALL_GROUPS): """ starts executing a specified trajectory :param trajectory_id: Id of the trajectory (previously defined by define_trajectory) :param time_scale: Time factor; 1.0 = original speed; >1.0: slower; <1.0: faster :param relative: Set to True, if trajectory should be shifted to current setpoint :param reversed: Set to True, if trajectory should be executed in reverse :param group_mask: Mask for which CFs this should apply to :return: """ self._send_packet(struct.pack('<BBBBBf', self.COMMAND_START_TRAJECTORY, group_mask, relative, reversed, trajectory_id, time_scale))
[docs] def define_trajectory(self, trajectory_id, offset, n_pieces, type=TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D): """ Define a trajectory that has previously been uploaded to memory. :param trajectory_id: The id of the trajectory :param offset: Offset in uploaded memory :param n_pieces: Nr of pieces in the trajectory :param type: The type of trajectory data; TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D or TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D_COMPRESSED :return: """ self._send_packet(struct.pack('<BBBBIB', self.COMMAND_DEFINE_TRAJECTORY, trajectory_id, self.TRAJECTORY_LOCATION_MEM, type, offset, n_pieces))
def _send_packet(self, data): # pk = CRTPPacket() # pk.port = CRTPPort.SETPOINT_HL # = data # self._cf.send_packet(pk) # Firia Labs: simple crtp send crtp.send(CRTPPort.SETPOINT_HL, 0, data)