high_level_commander – Send high-level setpoints to CF controller

Used for sending high level setpoints to the Crazyflie

class high_level_commander.HighLevelCommander(crazyflie=None)[source]

Used for sending high level setpoints to the Crazyflie

Initialize the object.

define_trajectory(trajectory_id, offset, n_pieces, type=0)[source]

Define a trajectory that has previously been uploaded to memory.

  • trajectory_id – The id of the trajectory

  • offset – Offset in uploaded memory

  • n_pieces – Nr of pieces in the trajectory

  • type – The type of trajectory data; TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D or TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D_COMPRESSED


go_to(x, y, z, yaw, duration_s, relative=False, group_mask=0)[source]

Go to an absolute or relative position

  • x – X (m)

  • y – Y (m)

  • z – Z (m)

  • yaw – Yaw (radians)

  • duration_s – Time it should take to reach the position (s)

  • relative – True if x, y, z is relative to the current position

  • group_mask – Mask for which CFs this should apply to

land(absolute_height_m, duration_s, group_mask=0, yaw=0.0)[source]

vertical land from current x-y position to given height

  • absolute_height_m – Absolute (m)

  • duration_s – Time it should take until target height is reached (s)

  • group_mask – Mask for which CFs this should apply to

  • yaw – Yaw (rad). Use current yaw if set to None.


Set the group mask that the Crazyflie belongs to


group_mask – Mask for which groups this CF belongs to

start_trajectory(trajectory_id, time_scale=1.0, relative=False, reversed=False, group_mask=0)[source]

starts executing a specified trajectory

  • trajectory_id – Id of the trajectory (previously defined by define_trajectory)

  • time_scale – Time factor; 1.0 = original speed; >1.0: slower; <1.0: faster

  • relative – Set to True, if trajectory should be shifted to current setpoint

  • reversed – Set to True, if trajectory should be executed in reverse

  • group_mask – Mask for which CFs this should apply to



stops the current trajectory (turns off the motors)


group_mask – Mask for which CFs this should apply to


takeoff(absolute_height_m, duration_s, group_mask=0, yaw=0.0)[source]

vertical takeoff from current x-y position to given height

  • absolute_height_m – Absolute (m)

  • duration_s – Time it should take until target height is reached (s)

  • group_mask – Mask for which CFs this should apply to

  • yaw – Yaw (rad). Use current yaw if set to None.

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